10 Rules For Spiritual Growth

10 Rules For Spiritual Growth
10 Rules For Spiritual Growth

By following these rules, you will achieve spiritual growth and perfection. Learn to control yourself and your life. New boundaries of self-knowledge and self-improvement will open for you. The world will show you such facets that you did not even know about. But the most important thing is that all this will be your personal experience, and not a banal description of spirituality from books and films. Remember that the main criterion of spirituality is experience. This means that you have personally lived and experienced this experience.

Spiritual search is freedom
Spiritual search is freedom

1. Get up early.

Early morning is the most meditative time of the day. Get up an hour earlier than your usual activities and duties. This time is your personal time, free from social responsibilities. Dedicate it to your soul. Go for a jog or walk, yoga, qigong, or wushu. Practice meditation. This is your contribution to the new day.

2. Eat light meals.

Avoid meat and pastries. Such food makes the body heavy and clumsy. The body has to work at high speeds all the time, digesting all this food. Your diet should consist of natural and natural foods.

3. Observe the regime.

Eat, sleep, work at the same time. Build your day tactically and stick to your chosen strategy. If friends interfere with this, refuse to communicate with them or communicate on your own terms. If work interferes, change your job. After all, you have one life, and employers like you have millions.

4. Maintain body hygiene.

Take a shower or bath every day. Wash with a washcloth and soap. The skin must be clean for the etheric energy to circulate freely through its channels. Remember that the etheric coat is your immunity.

5. Be nice to people.

Be nice and sociable with people. Smile to loved ones and strangers. Invest in communication your good mood, care and sincere attention to the person. Start today by wearing a welcoming expression on your face. You will notice how you have a lot of positive energy.

6. Do yoga.

Do yoga and meditation afterwards every day. Let it be only half an hour, but it will be your personal spiritual space. Yoga will adjust the correct currents in your body, and meditation will direct these currents into the channel of higher consciousness.

7. Read spiritual literature.

Take time each day to read useful literature and about the lives of enlightened people and teachers. Books that carry a specific meaning, helping in the knowledge of life and the search for meaning and freedom.

8. Filter the flow of information.

Remember that ninety percent of the information that comes to you every day is spam. TV, newspapers, radio, internet do their best to distract you from the main thing. Choose only what is practically necessary for everyday life and implementation, and ignore the rest.

9. Don't get attached to things.

Constant advertising forces you to chase after fashionable junk of unnecessary inventory, without which you could easily do without yesterday, and today suddenly it became vitally necessary for you. This does not mean that you have to live on the floor in a dugout. Accept that modern technology can make life much easier, but do not identify with things that are rubbish on the spiritual scale. When you throw your phone in the trash tomorrow, it will be treated as trash. Understand that it is already rubbish, tomorrow will only show its true value.

10. Control your sexual energy.

It’s not only sex and sexuality, but also all the curtsies you do to please the opposite sex. This is both morbid imagination and daydreaming. Become greedy for your sexual energy. When it accumulates, you will feel that you have a huge reservoir of energy. You will feel its power, and you yourself will not want to splash it on promiscuous sex and chaotic body movements.

Most importantly, you shouldn't force yourself to follow these rules. If it brings you suffering, then you are not ready yet. You must want to develop spiritually with your whole being - without illusions, without jerking, without hesitation and fuss. There is no need to rush to extremes and cut all bridges from tomorrow - it will become difficult for you and you will hate spirituality. We must come to this through understanding. Start everything little by little. Gradually understand that without spiritual realization, your life is just a waste of time.
