The Bar Pulls Out Growth

The Bar Pulls Out Growth
The Bar Pulls Out Growth

A horizontal bar or crossbar is a sports equipment that helps to tone all the muscles of the body. Is it possible with their help to increase the growth of a child or an adult and what should be done for this?

Child on the horizontal bar
Child on the horizontal bar

It is believed that hanging on a horizontal bar helps to increase height. Is it so? Should those dissatisfied with their growth try to correct this injustice in this way? Let's find out.

Will the crossbar help you grow?

Slouching and scoliosis do not make a person taller and slimmer. There are 2 types of physical activity that help to "stretch" the spine and correct posture. This is swimming and exercises on the horizontal bar.

It is known that the spine can be extended in 2 positions: horizontally, lying on a flat surface, and vertically, hanging on the crossbar.

It is best to measure height in the morning, after sleeping. Usually the difference between morning and evening measurements is 1–2 cm.

During this period, there is no load on the vertebrae, and the spine is stretched, as it were.

Hanging on a horizontal bar does not have to do any exercises. It is enough to hold on tightly to the bar and relax your back. In this position, you need to hold out for 2-3 minutes, take a break and proceed to the second approach.

Every day, hanging on the crossbar, you can stretch the spine by 2 cm or more, and accordingly, the growth of a person will also increase. This applies not only to children and adolescents. An adult can also grow up in this way, due to alignment of posture.

Exercises for growth on the horizontal bar

For a more significant increase in height during adolescence, ordinary hovering on the bar is not enough. You need to make your workout harder and eat certain foods rich in vitamins and minerals. A person grows up to 17-22 years old, depending on gender and genetic characteristics.

Human growth stops after the disappearance of the growth zones. You can find out whether there is an opportunity to grow up or not by taking an X-ray of the spine. If the zones are active, then it makes sense to train.

Exercises are added gradually. They start with the usual hang, 2 sets per day for 3 minutes. At the same time, you can add smooth turns of the body to the left and right, 15 times on each side.

When your arms are used to, and you can freely hang for 5-10 minutes in one approach, start doing pull-ups. Add bent or straightened leg lifts. Swing left / right or forward / backward.

After a while, when the muscles of the back become stronger, it will be possible to attach small weights, weights, to the legs, eventually increasing their mass. You can stretch the spine not only while hanging in the traditional position, but also being upside down. To perform this exercise, the legs are fixed with a special belt, the execution time should not exceed 15 seconds.

Those wishing to grow up should remember the main thing:

• Exercise should be regular, at least 3 times a week

• Start with 2-3 sets of 3 minutes, with the addition of exercises, the workout time should increase to 30 minutes

• Do not jump off the horizontal bar! After stretching, you should descend carefully

• Combine exercise with a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals

• Before training, you can do a light warm-up, in the form of a run, after a short cool-down - an exercise to stretch all muscle groups

• It is necessary to give up all bad habits: nicotine, alcohol and drugs, they slow down growth.
