How To Learn To Pull Up From Scratch

How To Learn To Pull Up From Scratch
How To Learn To Pull Up From Scratch

The pull-up is the oldest exercise in overcoming gravity. It can strengthen the muscles in the upper body. For newcomers to the sport, pull-ups are the most difficult exercise. Many cannot do even one pull-up on the horizontal bar. Below are the ways to learn how to pull up from scratch.

Pull up from scratch
Pull up from scratch

general information

When pulling up on the bar, the work involves mainly the biceps of the arms, the lats of the back and the muscles of the forearms, which are responsible for the strength of the grip. The bar must be at the correct height for the exercise. You can find a horizontal bar for classes at the school stadium, in the gym, often this shell is found on playgrounds. If you wish, you can buy and install a crossbar at home.

Pull-up options

Beginners have two options for pull-ups. The first is pull-ups with an upper or straight grip - this is when a person's palm is turned from him, to the outside. The second option involves pull-ups with palms facing inward. This option is called a pull-up or reverse grip. There is also a combined grip, in which case both direct and reverse grip are used, and the body is located along the bar.

For beginners, the second option is preferable. When pulling up with a reverse grip, the participation of the biceps is much greater, which means that it is somewhat easier to perform the exercise. The reverse grip develops the forearms and biceps well. Beginners should start with it.

Pull-ups with a jump

The crossbar in this case should be quite close, the person should reach it while standing on his toes. To perform this method of pulling up, you must use not only the strength of the arms, but also the energy of the jump. In fact, the jump should make the exercise as easy as possible. The chin should be just above the bar. Having made a short pause at the top point, one must slowly descend, controlling the process with one's own muscles. This will allow you to get the most out of the negative part of the exercise.

Pull-ups should be performed until the moment when there are strengths to lower correctly and slowly. Take a starting position, raise your arms higher, jump and immediately help yourself with your hands to reach your chin to the level of the crossbar, then slowly lower yourself. Exhaling, jumping and pulling up should take place at the same time, and when descending, you can inhale.

Negative repetitions

The essence of this exercise is to assume in advance a position as if you have already pulled yourself up. If the bar is at home, you can use a chair or stool to take the starting position. If a person is engaged in the street, he needs to think about what could replace the stool. When the issue is resolved, it is necessary to move on to the exercise.

To take the starting position, you need to climb up so that your chin is over the crossbar, your hands must firmly hold the crossbar. Hanging in this position, you must slowly go down. When a complete descent occurs, the process is repeated anew. It must be done so many times until it becomes clear that it is impossible to resist the force of gravity and the descent occurs too quickly. It is allowed to do about 5-7 repetitions, and then take a rest for 2-3 minutes to gain new strength. Three approaches will be enough.

Those who cannot do any of the pull-ups can work with a companion. He should stand behind and help pull himself up, holding his hands. You cannot completely rely on your partner, you have to make the most of your own efforts.

Lightweight pull-up options

The physical form of any person can be brought to such a state in which it is not possible to perform even one ordinary pull-up. In this case, you should use lightweight exercise options that are very similar to pull-ups.

Chin-ups with feet on the ground can be included in this list. To do the exercise, find a low bar, grab it, place your feet slightly in front of you, and do pull-ups from this position. Since part of its own weight goes to the legs, almost every person is able to perform such an exercise, regardless of physical fitness. Regular exercise will bring a person into shape and sooner or later he will be ready to perform a regular pull-up.


Anyone can and should get in shape. It is good for health, prolongs life, makes the body vigorous and a person more cheerful. The workout can be done 2-3 times a week so that the muscles have time to recover. If a person has just started to exercise and after the first exercise the muscles are very sore, you can take a week break.
