What Shoes To Wear For Playing Football In Winter

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What Shoes To Wear For Playing Football In Winter
What Shoes To Wear For Playing Football In Winter

Video: What Shoes To Wear For Playing Football In Winter

Video: What Shoes To Wear For Playing Football In Winter
Video: HOW TO STAY WARM DURING WINTER | football tips 2024, October

In the minds of people who are far from even summer football, winter football is an extreme sport: “It's frosty outside, the city is covered with snow, the ball is not visible. And you, twenty-two clowns, are all running around the field ?! " And these critics don't know about swamp soccer or beach soccer yet! However, amateurs are forgiven for not knowing something. But ignorance of the correct answer to the question: "In what shoes should you go to the field in winter?" those who constantly “kick the ball” face a long offside position.

The key to winter football is waterproof boots
The key to winter football is waterproof boots

Let's drop the sneakers

They also say that football is a very simple game - I bought a ball, put on a jersey, shorts and sneakers, and ran. Stop-stop, just on the sneakers and you need to take a time-out. Firstly, because they are completely unsuitable for football. Even in the gym and in summer, sneakers are torn at best through the game. And secondly, we are not talking about football in winter (at this time of year, for example, you can play under a roof in ordinary indoor sneakers), but about winter football. It's not the same thing.

Snow and snow all around

The choice of shoes for winter football, especially if you are going to an amateur match (the pros not only know everything themselves, but are usually surrounded by a host of doctors and coaches), should be approached no less carefully than the choice of the site. It is better to prepare your feet and shoes in advance, and not at the last minute before the referee's starting whistle.

The first thing you need to know is which stadium or field will the game be in? What kind of cover is there - trampled or loose snow, artificial grass with a concrete base or frozen ground, something more dangerous? It is extremely important to find out: how long will it take and what exactly are you going to participate in - in one match or in a big tournament at once? The selection of shoes and the number of pairs required also depend on this. Finally, any, even the most modern football boots are not worn on bare feet; socks with warm socks are also required for the game.

Therefore, prudent and experienced people are advised to follow the example of fishermen. They say that in order not to freeze their feet due to a long standing on the ice, they put on two pairs of thin socks at once (and put dry mustard plasters in the lower one), wrap their feet with newspaper and, additionally, a plastic bag.

True, this method has many opponents. After all, fishermen go to their rivers and ponds, as a rule, in felt boots, and you can't really play football in them. Although one English footballer somehow managed to enter the field in Russian winter shoes, and even scored a goal. However, it happened only in training, and the player himself just joked about the freezing teammates.

We crawl under the skin

When choosing shoes for winter street football, it is important to consider what they are made of. And if you've bought the latest real leather boots from the store, that's not always the case. The fact is that genuine leather perfectly absorbs moisture, and by the final whistle you will not have boots on your feet, but weights. The only exception is boots made of expensive kangaroo leather, which does not allow water to pass through and therefore is considered ideal for snow and rain.

In short, it is better to take the less expensive, but much more durable artificial leather boots. After all, only improper care or old age can damage it.

Become in size

When choosing football shoes for your child for the winter, try not to take the same size that your son constantly wears in everyday life. Shoe experts advise: well-stretching children's boots made of genuine leather should be half a size larger, and from artificial leather - even one.

It's much easier to buy an adult boot. After all, they can be chosen in full accordance with the everyday size. And leather - and a little less. But be careful and do not buy sports shoes with a narrow last, you will probably freeze in them even without frost.

The boots do not slip

The ideal footwear for street football, and winter football is just one of the varieties of street football, are precisely the boots. It is another matter that now there are a lot of them and they are sewn for almost every type of soil or type of grass. Therefore, when choosing, it is better, again, to consult with professionals.

According to these pros, the best of the many species are those bearing the HG (Hard Ground) mark. These football shoes, thanks to 11 or 13 studs and high-quality "grip", are great for any artificial or even snow cover.

"Centipedes" on our legs

Alas, real football boots are quite expensive, not all fans can afford them. Moreover, playing once a week or a month "for beer". Of course, it is also convenient to play in ordinary sports sneakers, but it is rather cold and dangerous for the fingers. And they absorb moisture faster than the match usually ends.

The ideal option if you have to play on an artificial lawn barely covered with snow is the acquisition of the so-called centipedes. Football players also call them "multi-studs" and "turfs". Outwardly, they look like a cross between sneakers and cleats, but are much lighter, softer and stronger. And for a little frost and snow will be just right.
