Chess is sport, science and art. It is played on a board with 64 cells between two opponents, using pieces of two colors - light and dark ("black" and "white"). Chess is played according to the chess rules in a regular game, according to the FIDE tournament rules - for online games, over the phone, etc. The rules for national variations may differ.

Step 1
The game board is divided into square cells, the size is 8x8 cells; horizontally, the fields are denoted by Latin letters from a to h, and vertically by numbers from 1 to 8. Thus, any cell can be given coordinates, for example, b4. The cells alternate in color - black and white, so that adjacent cells are always of different colors.
Step 2
Each player has 16 pieces of the same color - white or black. White starts the game, who will get it, is determined by the draw or special tournament order.
Step 3
The pieces move according to certain rules. No piece moves to the square with a piece of the same color, but only to the opponent's square. An opponent's piece is considered captured when it is removed from the board during a turn.
An elephant piece moves in any direction along the diagonal on which it stands. The rook moves to any square vertically or horizontally extending from its square. The queen can move to any square vertically, horizontally or diagonally from the square on which she stands. During these moves, these three pieces cannot step over the squares on which other pieces stand. The knight can move to one of the squares nearest to its square, but not along the same vertical, horizontal or diagonal.
Step 4
The king can move to any adjacent square that has not been attacked by any of the opponent's pieces. The pieces attack the square even if they cannot move.
Step 5
Also, the king can move "castling". This is when the king moves with one of the rooks of its color along the extreme horizontal, and this is considered one king's move. It happens like this: the king moves from his square to two squares in the direction of the rook, then the rook steps over the king to the last square it crossed. Castling cannot be carried out if the king has already moved or if the rook has already moved.
Step 6
A move is considered made when a player took his hand away from a piece, after having moved it to a free square. The winner is the player who checkmated the opponent's king.