Hosting the Olympic Games in one of your cities is a great honor and responsibility for the country. Over the more than a century history of the Olympic movement, the rules have been formed according to which the future capital of the Olympic Games is selected.

The first Olympic Games were almost unanimously decided to be held in the capital of Greece - Athens. This was due to respect for the history of the competitions themselves, which appeared in this particular country. The Greek authorities were pleased with the 1896 Games and their success and wanted the Olympics to always be held in Greece. The International Olympic Committee did not agree with this, since such an idea did not correspond to the very international spirit of the games. It was decided to hold each competition in a new country.
Several decades later, there was a clear set of rules on how to choose an Olympic capital. Approximately 10 years before the next competition, the International Olympic Committee announces the deadlines for applications for cities to participate in the games. The applications themselves must provide the conditions for the games, as well as the infrastructure and sports facilities. which are already in stock and which are planned for construction. The city must demonstrate that it is ideal for the smooth running of competitions.
Approximately 9 years before the games, several favorites are selected from the submitted applications. In addition to the idea, the Olympic Committee must assess the possibility of its implementation, whether the government of the country where the city is located will have enough money to finance such expensive competitions. Largely for financial reasons, no Olympics have yet been held in Africa, and in South America, the first games will be held in Rio de Janeiro only in 2018.
After 2 years, the time for the announcement of the winning city comes. At a special meeting of the Olympic Committee, one of the three cities is selected by secret ballot. Cities that did not win the competition this year can apply next time.