How To Quickly Remove Breeches

How To Quickly Remove Breeches
How To Quickly Remove Breeches

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How many women's tears have been shed due to the inability to get rid of the hated fatty layer on the thighs, called breeches. All sorts of means are used, from the simplest to the incredible. And every time, picking up a centimeter tape, a woman hopes to see changes by at least 1 cm.

How to quickly remove breeches
How to quickly remove breeches


Step 1

To remove fat on the thighs, there are two main ways - surgery or a set of physical exercises, which is combined with a diet. If the second option is more suitable for you, you must act immediately.

Step 2

First of all, you need to analyze your diet. It is on the hips that extra calories "settle". If you are striving to regain a good figure, eat in small portions, at least 5 times a day, and most importantly, the number of calories should under no circumstances exceed their daily consumption.

Step 3

The basis of your diet should be legumes, cereals, fruits, vegetables, and purchase fish, meat, dairy products with a minimum content of fat. Eat less sweets, exclude synthetic products. To make it easier to control the intake of calories and get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible, start a special food diary in which you note when, how much and what was eaten. Without correcting food habits, changing the quantity and quality of the eaten, the desired result cannot be achieved.

Step 4

Since on the thighs the breeches are formed by a layer of fat on the outside, it is necessary to load the broad muscle of the thigh. The set of exercises is based on a set of such movements - swinging legs, "scissors", "bicycle", jumping. Knowing this, you can develop a set of exercises for yourself.

Step 5

Stand against the wall, put both hands on it, bend your knees slightly. Slowly, with effort, raise your right leg, taking it back and to the side, lower it. Now repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Step 6

Lying on your side, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach so that a right angle forms between your thigh and your body. Raise your thigh, keeping your feet together, and hold this position for a couple of seconds. Lower your hip. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg. You need to do it slowly. You should feel muscle tension.

Step 7

Lying on your side, lean on your elbow and lift your pelvis. Raise your upper leg 20 cm and stay in this position for 10 seconds, lower your leg. Do the exercise 2-3 times for each leg.

Step 8

To consolidate the effectiveness of the exercises, it is recommended to combine gymnastic exercises with massage of the breeches zone. During massage in the problem area, the blood supply increases, the outflow of lymph and blood is activated, metabolic processes take place more intensively. It is necessary to start and end self-massage by stroking, and then kneading and rubbing the tissues.

Step 9

You can massage using a medical can, after having lubricated the body with massage oil. When performing a massage in a bath, the body is pre-warmed up for 15 minutes, and then the usual self-massage techniques are used, you can use a washcloth made of terry cloth.

Step 10

Water self-massage will be even better when you add infusion or decoction of herbs to the bath, which enhance metabolic processes. But keep in mind that it is not recommended to carry out any types of self-massage for more than 10 minutes.
