Standard Spiral Twist Gymnastics: Features And Effectiveness

Standard Spiral Twist Gymnastics: Features And Effectiveness
Standard Spiral Twist Gymnastics: Features And Effectiveness

Spiral gymnastics rightfully occupies a leading position among other types of health related physical education. Anyone can perform exercises of this type, because this does not require excessive efforts, but the result exceeds all expectations.

Standard spiral twist gymnastics: features and effectiveness
Standard spiral twist gymnastics: features and effectiveness

Spiral gymnastics was developed by the Korean professor of medicine Park Jae Wu. His technique consists in performing rhythmic, but smooth, without jerking, movements aimed at twisting the joints and connective structures of the skeleton, muscles and nerve nodes. The set of exercises is not at all similar to the gymnastics familiar to many since childhood, but rather resembles a dance that not only heals, but also cheers up.

The main advantage of this type of gymnastics is that the movements are performed smoothly, without physical stress and strain, only within the anatomical capabilities of the joints, without creating a stressful situation for the human body as a whole. When performing these simple exercises, the patient gets rid of painful sensations in the joints, restores the receptor sensitivity of nerve endings, and normalizes the body's blood circulation. In addition, regular spiral twist gymnastics improves heart function, strengthens the muscular and nervous system of a person.

Features of spiral twist gymnastics

It takes no more than 10-15 minutes to complete a standard set of spiral twist gymnastics exercises. For best results, it is recommended to repeat the exercises in the morning and evening.

All exercises are aimed at spiral twisting of the body. At the initial stage of mastering spiral gymnastics, the patient is determined with the choice of its type. There are three main types of exercises: the Hetero version is performed in a standing position, the Homo version is performed in a sitting position, and the Neuto version is performed while lying down. The choice of this or that option depends on the complexity of the disease or problems with the body, the comfort and convenience of performing gymnastics for the patient himself.

After the easy option has been fully mastered and positive results are obtained, you can move on to more complex exercises. The main goal of twist gymnastics is comfortable recovery, gentle treatment, without creating even the slightest discomfort and stress.

The effectiveness of spiral twist gymnastics

One of the main advantages of this type of health improvement is that a person of any age and with any disease can perform the exercises. The effectiveness of the technique is proved, first of all, by the obvious fact that not a single patient spoke negatively about it, but only stated the fact of the appearance of positive dynamics within a week after the start of regular classes.

Spiral twist gymnastics is aimed at normalizing arterial and intracranial blood pressure, relieving pain in diseases of the joints and spine, relieving headaches of various etymologies, getting rid of nervous tension, stress and depression, losing weight, normalizing the work of all internal organs.

But complete recovery with exercise alone is unfortunately impossible. And spiral gymnastics should complement drug treatment, and in no case replace it. Before starting and choosing the type of exercise, you must consult with your doctor and get his approval.
