A pedometer is a device for counting the number of steps a person has taken while walking or running. The pedometer can be either a stand-alone device (electronic or mechanical), or built-in, for example, in a smartphone, watch or player.

Why do you need a pedometer
According to studies conducted, most Russians take no more than 5 thousand steps a day, while in order to maintain health, it is necessary to take at least 10 thousand! Otherwise, the lifestyle can be considered sedentary, and its consequences are rather sad. But it is almost impossible to calculate your steps on your own, and who will do it? Pedometers are handy devices that allow you to monitor your physical activity. It doesn't matter whether you are walking in the evenings for health or jogging for weight loss, a pedometer will in any case provide invaluable help in calculating the results. He will not allow you to either evade the necessary load, or overwork.
Initially, pedometers were created for athletes, but now they are used by everyone who runs or does race walking on their own.
Sometimes you can come across the word "pedometer", but this is wrong, it is correct to say "pedometer".
Using a pedometer
Before you attach the pedometer and start walking, carefully read the instructions for it. Do you think that there is nothing easier than using a pedometer? The fact is that the devices differ in types, and the method of attachment depends on this. Some models need to be worn on the wrist, others should be attached to shoes, and others should be attached to a waist belt. There are those that can even work in your pocket. It is important to find out exactly how your pedometer works, otherwise it will be impossible to get a reliable result.
Pedometers allow you to calculate the distance you have walked: the device is guided by the length of the steps and their number. The device will determine that you have made a step, since at the moment of its completion, the acceleration of your body at some moment will be negative. This is what the pedometer responds to. In a mechanical pedometer, the weight is resisted by a spring and then rotates the counter, moving it one unit. And in an electronic device the same thing, only the sensor is electromechanical. Modern models often additionally have microprocessors that make it possible to almost completely eliminate false alarms.
There are also pedometers that attach directly to the sole: the indicator increases by one as soon as you press down on the device while taking a step. The sensor is positioned on one leg, so a couple of steps are counted.
Newer devices are equipped with GPS, which greatly reduces the likelihood of errors associated with body movements performed on the spot.
If you do not have a sedentary job, then the pedometer continues to count the results to you during this time. It is at this time that you are especially at risk of getting multiple false positives. Also, the pedometer does not sleep while you are moving in transport. Therefore, for the first few days, you just need to monitor the device, turning it off at some moments, for example, while you are driving to work.