Reducing the width of the hips is a feasible task for a woman. One has only to change gastronomic preferences and put a little physical effort. But the need to update your wardrobe will be a reward for your efforts.

It is necessary
- - skipping rope;
- - hard washcloth;
- - anti-cellulite cream.
Step 1
Change your diet. To keep track of your weight, learn about the calorie content of foods. Avoid animal fats and try to reduce your intake of vegetable fats. Choose lean meats and fish for cooking. Buy only low-fat dairy products. Avoid baked goods and pastries. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Look for information on the calorie content on food packaging. Try to switch to fractional five meals a day, but consume most of it in the first half of the day.
Step 2
Get exercise that you can do at home. No diet will help reduce the width of the hips if you do not forcefully remove unnecessary deposits. Place all the load on the outside of the thigh. There are many sets of exercises, but they all boil down to a few basic ones:
- slow deep squats with arms extended forward;
- imitation of pedaling with raised legs - "bicycle";
- alternately raising and lowering straight legs in different directions, lying on your back;
- alternate swing legs with an extended toe: lying on your side, on your back, standing;
- pulling the knees to the shoulders and returning the straightened leg to the floor;
- jumping rope.
Step 3
Massage your thighs. It is advisable to provide this job to a professional massage therapist. If this option does not suit you, do not be lazy to do self-massage. Using the strength of your fingers, remove excess fat deposits. Learn the basic techniques for influencing the thigh area: rubbing, stroking, kneading. Use an anti-cellulite cream - this will make work easier, improve lymph circulation and supply oxygen to the tissues. True, the result will have to wait longer than from the work of a professional, but the benefits will be sure. Combine manual massage with a washcloth on the body during water treatments. Diet, massage, and exercise should complement each other.
Step 4
Clothes will help hide the hips. The cut of the dress, the color and texture of the fabric can distract the eye from the wider body part. Choose dark colors for skirts and trousers and light colors for blouses - this will visually balance the disproportionate figure. Emphasize the dignity of the top of the figure with a style of clothing. Use decorations for the neckline and brooches on the lapel of jackets.