How many experiences are sometimes given to women by extra centimeters in the thighs, cellulite and sagging muscles on the outer and inner thighs, weak gluteal muscles and a bulging abdomen. You need to understand that it is almost impossible to remove only the volume of the thighs, leaving the abdomen the same size, because an integrated approach is required to normalize the size of the thighs.

Step 1
An integrated approach includes diet, exercise, massage, sauna, lifestyle change, if you like. And such a complex effect on the body will lead to an improvement in all functional and physical indicators of the body, including a decrease in the waist and hips, an improvement in skin turgor, an improvement in blood circulation and lymph flow, and restoration of muscle elasticity. Therefore, by reducing the volume of the thighs, you thereby take care of the body as a whole.
Step 2
Do the Dinghy exercise regularly to strengthen and tighten your muscles. Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible. Without lifting your fingers off the floor, move your hands forward, bending lower and lower, and fix the position of the body in the farthest position.
Step 3
Count to 8, exhale, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise as much as you can, starting at three times and gradually increasing the number of repetitions daily.
Step 4
The Seiko exercise will also help reduce the volume of the thighs and give the muscles firmness. Kneel down with your hands on the floor. Extend your leg to the side, without bending it, at a right angle to the body. Exhale, inhale, and exhale powerfully through your mouth.
Step 5
Then hold your breath and draw in your stomach. And immediately lift the extended leg forward and upward, linger in this pose for 3 to 8 seconds. Free your breath, lower your leg, take the starting position. Repeat this exercise with each leg three times. If at first it will be difficult - repeat once, then two, increase the number of approaches gradually.
Step 6
The leg swing exercise strengthens the abs, reduces the hips, and tones the muscles of the buttocks. Get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor and swing your leg up one by one, trying to maximize the ascent angle. But build up the pace and number of swings gradually.
Step 7
In addition to exercise, massage to reduce muscle volume. This can be an independent evening massage, when sitting in front of the TV, you stretch your thigh muscles for half an hour.
Step 8
Before the massage, wrap with a special film using an anti-cellulite cream. These methods improve the blood supply to the thigh muscles, enhance lymphatic drainage, and make the muscles elastic.
Step 9
Don't neglect the sauna. In the steam room, wrap your thighs with foil, massage after the sauna with a special cream.
Step 10
Be sure to change your diet: do not eat fatty and spicy foods, add more vegetables and fruits to the diet, drink enough liquid, do not eat before bedtime.
Step 11
Use the services of a professional massage therapist: this is a proven method that allows you to get rid of extra centimeters on your hips during a massage course.