Quite a good result - to run 3 km in 12 minutes. Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that the result of this can only be achieved by a trained person who does not indulge himself with cigarettes, and in general, running is a regular thing for him. If you want to know what other recommendations are needed in order to run 3 km in 12 minutes, check out this article.

Step 1
Learn to breathe correctly. If you do not know how to breathe correctly while passing a distance, then you will not be able to run it, or run with a lot of energy.
Inhale for every two steps and exhale for the next two steps. At first it will be difficult for you to adapt if you have never done this, but then you will be able to breathe automatically.
Step 2
Strengthen your heart. A strong heart is essential for developing endurance. To develop it, you need to seriously engage in cardio training.
For such workouts, a lot of different simulators have been developed, such as an exercise bike, an elliptical trainer, a rowing trainer. While you don't have to sign up for a gym or buy expensive equipment if your goal is to strengthen your heart to run a specific distance in a specific time.
An exercise bike can be replaced by cycling, an elliptical can be replaced by ski runs, and a rowing machine can be replaced by a boat or kayak.
Also, jogging, intense walking, long swimming in a pool or in a pond are suitable for training the heart muscle.
Stop commuting to work or school. Hop on your bike or hike if distance permits. Don't use the elevators, walk up the steps. Of course, unless you live and work on the 100th floor.
A trained heart will help you not to sour in the middle of the distance and maintain a given pace for all three kilometers.
Step 3
Do not undermine your respiratory system. In order to run 3 km in 12 minutes, your average speed should be about 15 km / h. Now think about whether you can maintain this speed throughout the entire distance if you smoke. So do not complicate your task with extraneous factors.
Step 4
Divide the distance into 3 equal 4-minute segments. You need to run the first hundred meters quickly enough, the remaining 4 minutes run easily, without much bothering the body. For the next 4 minutes, you need to run moderately fast, but so that running is not a burden, otherwise you will not have enough strength to run. The remaining time will have to work and run at the expense of character. In the last hundred meters, it is worthwhile to further strengthen your will and finish as fast as you can.