The system of ranks and sports titles is a legacy of the Soviet training of athletes. It exists mainly in Russia and a number of CIS republics. In the west, the rank of an athlete is determined by the classification of belts, for example, in judo and karate, as well as by sporting achievements: world champion, Olympic champion, America, etc. In our country, the standards for the assignment of sports titles and categories are assigned according to different criteria: in rhythmic gymnastics, for the number of points scored in competitions; in swimming and athletics for the shown time; in boxing and other martial arts for winning competitions.

Step 1
The third junior category in boxing is assigned to youths under 13-14 years old for systematic boxing and if the athlete has been involved in this sport for one year and won 2 victories over novice boxers. Boys 15-16 years old receive the same category during the year, but for 3 similar victories.
Step 2
The second category for boys up to 13-14 years old is awarded for boxing for two years and 3 victories over athletes of the third youth category. Boys 15-16 years old receive the same category during the year for six similar victories.
Step 3
The first junior category is assigned only to boxers over 15 years old. You need to defeat 10 fighters of the second youth category within one year.
Step 4
Adult grades are assigned to older youths, as well as men and women. Women receive the third category for victories over three novice athletes during the year, the second - for 6 victories over rivals of the third category.
Step 5
For 10 victories over athletes of the second category, they receive the first category. Men according to the same criteria can receive up to the second adult category. In all these cases, standards are assigned for victories in tournaments of sports organizations that have the right to assign 1st and other mass categories.
Step 6
Men are awarded the first adult rank only in official competitions of at least the municipal level. They receive this category and subject to 3 fights at the district championship, if there are at least 4 athletes of the 1st sports category in the weight category. Boys become owners of the first category for similar achievements in the championship of the subject of the Russian Federation.
Step 7
Boxers receive the titles of candidate master of sports and master of sports for achievements in district competitions, all-Russian tournaments, cups and championships in Russia, as well as European and world championships.
Step 8
The title of international master of sports is awarded for victories at the junior world and European championships and senior championships. Men can become owners of the title of MSMK even for the fourth and fifth places at the World Championships. Both men and women who took 1st to 8th place in the Olympic Games also receive this title.