Hockey is a beautiful and entertaining game. However, for the players themselves, this sport is highly traumatic, and therefore there are special requirements for the protection of the player. An important part of it is the helmet.

Step 1
When choosing a helmet, pay attention to its weight (it should not be heavy). In addition, the helmet must have high-quality attachments. On the inside of this protective element, there is always a gasket to cushion the force of the impact. Much also depends on the age of the player: for example, for juniors (that is, under the age of 18) helmets with a so-called visor, which are made of metal, are provided. Those athletes who have reached the age of 18 can play with a regular plastic visor.
Step 2
The choice of all hockey equipment, including the helmet, is an individual matter. In this case, a lot will depend on the shape of the head. As a rule, all commercially available protective equipment is designated by three main sizes. There are also two additional ones. Before buying a helmet, it is better to first measure your head circumference. Size S corresponds to 52-57 cm, M - 55-60 cm and L - 58-63 cm. Two additional sizes: XS is up to 55 cm in girth, and XL is 62-65 cm. Please note that depending on the company - the manufacturer's specified dimensions may differ (however, the difference will not be too significant). All helmets are also divided into groups in terms of configuration: with a metal grille, with a plastic "visor", and also without the first or second.
Step 3
After you find the correct size, try on the helmet. Before that, it is better to loosen the adjustment screws, stretch the product wider, and then put on. Now fasten the screws and evaluate the result. You should be as comfortable as possible: the helmet should in no case press on your head. All that is needed is for it to fit snugly.