The back of the thigh receives much less stress in everyday life than the front. At the same time, it constantly drops out of your field of vision. After all, it is difficult to see this place in detail, even with a full-length mirror at your disposal. Therefore, it is the back surface that becomes the first refuge for cellulite, sagging skin and sagging muscles. It is worth including several exercises in your training complex so that this part of the body is always in perfect order.

It is necessary
- - skipping rope;
- - gymnastic mat;
- - dumbbells;
- - step platform.
Step 1
To warm up the muscles in the target area, jump rope at a fast pace for 5-6 minutes.
Step 2
Take dumbbells in each hand and stand up straight. Lower your arms along your body. Tighten your abs and don't arch your back. Keeping your body straight, take a wide step back with your right foot. Lower into a lunge so that your right knee is almost touching the ground. Return to the starting position, trying to keep the main load in the movement on the left leg. Do the exercise with your left leg to complete the rep. Do 20-30 reps, changing legs.
Step 3
Lie on the floor on your back, bend your right leg at the knee, with your foot on the floor. Straighten your left leg. Stretch your arms along the body. Leaning on your right foot, push off the floor and lift your pelvis so that your body is in a straight line from the heel of your left foot to your shoulders. Hold for two counts and slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 20 times and change your leg.
Step 4
Get on all fours. The back is straight, the elbows are exactly under the shoulder joints. Place a dumbbell under the knee of your left leg and clamp it with your leg. Slowly lift your left leg up so that your thigh is in a straight line with your body. Lift your leg up, as if trying to reach your buttocks with your heel. Do 15-20 reps and lower your knee to the floor. Change your leg.
Step 5
Stand straight to the left of the step platform. Place your right foot in the middle of the step, with your feet wider than your shoulders. Bend your elbows and sit down slightly. Push off the step with your right foot, jump to the right so as to jump over the step. The right leg should be on the floor, the left leg should be on the step. Do the exercise for two minutes.
Step 6
Strike a plank position with your arms directly under your shoulders and your legs joined together. Place your feet on the floor. Do not lower your pelvis - the body should form a straight line. Keeping your arms perpendicular to your body, slowly bring your knee forward, pulling it towards your chest. Return your leg to its original position and take it to the side. Return to starting position again. Do 20 reps and change legs.
Step 7
Be sure to stretch your back muscles after training. Sit on the floor with your legs straight and extended forward. Spread your legs as wide as possible and stretch in turn, first to the toe of one leg, then the other. You should feel the tension in your hamstrings. If the exercise is easy for you, spread your legs wider and lower your body, trying to press against the floor with your chest.