A man looks much more attractive if he is slim and fit. Each representative of the stronger sex can remove excess fat deposits, for this you only need to have a desire and a goal: to make your body beautiful.

Classic exercises for pumping the press
You can remove belly fat by exercising in the gym or at home. In the first case, you can develop a set of exercises yourself or ask your coach for help. Use all kinds of simulators and machines for pumping your abdominal muscles - the more you exercise, the better the result will be.
A classic exercise for pumping the muscles of the press, which can be performed at home, is to raise the torso from a lying position on the floor. At the same time, your hands should be behind your head or on your chest, if it is very difficult for you to perform this exercise, at first help yourself with your hands - raise and lower them in sync with the movements of the body. Legs should be straight, do not lift them off the floor. Do several sets of 20-30 reps each. At the initial stage of training, the number of repetitions can be reduced, later - increased, it all depends on your individual physiological characteristics.
The second classic abs exercise is performed in the same technique as the first. Only now the upper body should be motionless, raise and lower your legs. The number of approaches is also determined individually, but for a sufficient study of the muscles, there should be at least three, 15-30 repetitions or more in each.
The above exercises for pumping the press can be performed on an incline board, gradually increasing the angle of its rise, depending on your fitness level.
Exercises on the Roman chair simulator
The Roman Chair simulator, which you can use in the gym, is quite effective for pumping the abs and getting rid of the abdomen. So, sitting on the seat of the simulator, cross your arms on your chest, rest your feet on the rollers. Taking a deep breath and holding your breath, lower your torso slightly below your hips. Bend forward: lift your head and shoulders 30-60 degrees from the horizontal, exhale.
While at the top of the exercise, fix your position for a few seconds, while tightening the abdominal muscles even more. Then exhale and lower yourself to the starting position. Perform this exercise at a slow pace, complete 3-4 sets, 10-20 repetitions each. Ask your coach for advice on the correct technique for this exercise.
On the "Roman chair" you can perform not only body lifts, but also half-twists along the axis of the spine, reminiscent of boxing defense movements.
Abdominal roller exercises
The abdominal roller is an effective tool for working out the abdominal muscles. You can do various exercises with him, for example: moving the torso forward from the starting position while standing on the floor. Grasp the roller handles to perform the exercise. Stand on the floor, bend over, legs - straight, together. Place the roller on the floor, move your body weight to it with straight arms. Move forward, gradually straightening. When you feel the limit of your capabilities, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 to 30 times in 3-4 sets. You can use a lighter version of the exercise, practicing from the starting position - on your knees. To strengthen your obliques, roll the roller diagonally from your body.
Next exercise: place your feet on the roller handles or pedals, if equipped. Stand parallel to the floor, face down, using your arms. Roll the roller, bending your knees to your chest. Repeat the exercise the same number of times as in the previous case.