Exercise, strength training, and aerobic exercise can help you lose weight, or rather, reduce body fat. But sometimes long hours spent in the gym or stadium do not lead to the desired result. This means that a person is violating certain rules for losing weight.

Step 1
Weight loss is often perceived as weight loss. When choosing sports training to achieve their goal, many people do not take into account that during exercise, muscles that weigh more fat inevitably increase, and as a result, the readings on the scales stand still or decrease very slowly. Therefore, the first rule for those who want to lose weight is not to rely on the scales. Better to measure the volume of the body or evaluate the rate of weight loss in appearance. Do not be afraid that the gained muscle mass will replace all fat in volume - this can only happen if you take protein shakes and are specifically engaged in bodybuilding.
Step 2
To lose weight more effectively in training, you need to devote most of the time to aerobic exercise - these are exercises at a fast pace, in which the heart rate increases. In this case, for the first few minutes, the body takes energy from the glucose contained in the blood, after which it gradually switches to the breakdown of fat. In this case, you need to move at a moderate pace so as not to choke - in this case, a sufficient amount of oxygen will flow to the muscles. You can go jogging, aerobics, skiing, brisk walking.
Step 3
Spend less of your workout on strength training. Despite the fact that fat is not burned directly during strength training, such exercises also contribute to weight loss. Muscle mass increases and at rest requires a lot of calories, which, with the same diet, leads to weight loss.
Step 4
Exercise regularly and long enough, otherwise the body will not begin to reorganize metabolism and will not break down adipose tissue. With rare and too difficult, and even more so with light and short workouts, on the contrary, the process of storing fat begins. To get the most of your weight loss benefits in as little time as possible, try interval training. Alternate activities: one and a half minutes of push-ups, then two minutes of jogging in place, so that the muscles do not get tired of the monotonous load.
Step 5
Remember that proper weight loss should not go too quickly. You don't need to lose more than two or three kilograms in a month. Such weight loss is much more effective, the result will be fixed for a long time.