Many girls dream of giving the figure appetizing forms. At the same time, young girls want to get fat in the “right places”. But for some, gaining weight, gaining fat mass becomes a real problem.

Step 1
It often turns out that it is much more difficult for thin people to increase weight than to lose weight for overweight people. Excessive thinness can be caused by hormonal diseases, such as malfunctioning of the thyroid gland or the wrong balance of female and male hormones in the body. Painful thinness and loss of appetite are often companions of diseases such as tuberculosis, gastritis, helminth infection, and malignant neoplasm. Therefore, those who want to get better should especially monitor their health and undergo a medical examination.
Step 2
If you monitor your health, are alert, active and do not have chronic diseases, but you do not recover well from childhood, then, most likely, thinness is a feature of your metabolism. Your body is used to converting it into energy very quickly and using up the calories it receives. But nevertheless, you can try to gain a little fat mass with the help of a daily routine and a balanced diet.
Step 3
Sometimes the cause of thinness in quite healthy people is the wrong lifestyle, smoking, lack of sleep. Maybe you are eating on the go, not enjoying the food. Or you can sit in a stuffy room that makes you lose your appetite. Pay special attention to your habits. Try to wake up, fall asleep and eat at about the same time to normalize your biological rhythms.
Step 4
Spend more time outdoors and exercise to improve your appetite. Do not be afraid that sports will lead to even more weight loss - muscle mass is heavier than fat, and by building it, you will not become less weight.
Step 5
Eat rationally. You should not, on the advice of girlfriends, overeat sweets, fatty foods and flour products. Those products that upset the balance between the arrival and consumption of energy are equally harmful for both fat and thin. But due to the characteristics of the body, make sure that carbohydrates, preferably slow ones, make up a significant part of your diet. It is better that these were cereals, cereals, pasta made from durum wheat. Let there always be seeds, sweet dried fruits, nuts on your table.
Step 6
Don't overeat for dinner, but make it more nutritious. And before dinner, in any weather, take a half-hour walk to whet your appetite. With pronounced thinness, you can drink a glass of warm milk or cream with honey at night.
Step 7
If possible, give up strong tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking and medication. All this can lead to excitement of the nervous system and negatively affect the metabolism.