To date, many cosmetic products have been developed for body shaping. But miracles do not happen: not a single cream or gel will make the figure divine and slender, if you do not make a little effort. The best way to deal with extra centimeters in the waist and abdomen is through exercise.

Step 1
Twist the hoop. It warms up muscles perfectly. When you twist the hoop, not only the abdominal muscles are involved, but also the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Do hoop exercises daily. Determine the time of classes yourself. You can start from 5 minutes, gradually increasing the workout time to 30-40 minutes. If your physical fitness allows, pick up a weighted hoop, usually they weigh up to 2 kg. When exercising with a weighted hoop, wear tight clothing to help protect your body from injury.
Step 2
Do abdominal exercises. The size of the abdomen will decrease - the next time you take a measurement from the waist, the number of centimeters will also decrease. Train every day to achieve results. The muscles of the press quickly get used to the exercise program, so over time, the load should be increased. For the lower abdominal muscles, lifting the bent legs from a supine position, without lifting the lower back from the floor, is perfect. For the upper abdominal muscles - lifting the body.
Step 3
When loading the abs, do not forget about the oblique abdominal muscles. Exercises from the supine position and lying on the side are suitable for working with them. For the first exercise, lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands under your head. Lift your shoulders off the floor, lift your leg, try to reach your left knee with your right elbow and vice versa. Lying on your side, try to rise as high as possible to the side. Body turns and simple bends in different directions are perfect for this muscle group.
Step 4
Exercise combined with proper breathing produces great results. Today the Bodyflex system is gaining popularity in Russia. It allows you to achieve tangible results in a relatively short time. Download video tutorials from the net and practice with the group. The first weeks you need to do it daily. The advantage of this program is that training takes only 15-20 minutes a day.
Step 5
Do not forget about the general rules of the body's functioning. Centimeters go away faster when the intestines are cleansed and working properly. Drink plenty of water - 1.5-2 liters per day, this will help remove excess fluid and toxins from the body, improve kidney function. Do not overwork yourself, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Include body-shaping wraps and masks in your body care program. Use cosmetics that increase skin tone - if weight loss goes intensely, the skin must have time to "adapt" to the new proportions.