A beautiful and slender figure is the cherished desire of many girls. You can remove extra centimeters using simple rules and guidelines. The main factor that needs to be paid special attention to is proper and balanced nutrition.

Step 1
To remove extra inches without harming your health, forget about various diet pills and strict diets. Having achieved an instant result, you also run the risk of rapidly returning to previous forms. Take care of the correct and balanced menu.
Step 2
Try to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. At the same time, leaving the table, you should feel a slight feeling of hunger. Eat more high-calorie food before 12 noon, during this period your body is able to fully process it.
Step 3
Avoid eating fried, fatty and smoked foods. This includes the elimination of mayonnaise and heavy cream. When preparing salads, use light homemade sauces or vegetable oil (olive) as a dressing.
Step 4
Monitor the consumption of flour products carefully. Don't eat dumplings or pasta with bread. Allow yourself a roll for breakfast, but not for dinner.
Step 5
Include more greens, vegetables, and lean meats or fish on your dinner menu. At the same time, give up the side dish and dessert. Give preference to green tea without sugar or juice as a drink.
Step 6
Don't forget about physical activity. This does not mean that you have to go to gyms all day long. Choose your path to excellence. You may find yoga classes, swimming in the pool, or outdoor walks are great options. Over time, your body will get used to physical activity. Then you can diversify and increase them.
Step 7
Remember to engage all muscle groups when exercising. Thus, the process of losing weight will be harmonious and even.
Step 8
To remove extra centimeters and not harm your health, consult a specialist. An experienced nutritionist, having studied the state of your body, will select an individual menu for you. It will also tell you the necessary complex of vitamins that will compensate for the lack of nutrients.