Practically in all types of martial arts, the issue of placing a blow with a hand is decisive. However, not all beginners know how to solve this problem in the fastest way.

It is necessary
- - gym;
- - trainer;
- - gloves;
- - bandages;
- - paws;
- - makiwars;
- - pears.
Step 1
Find yourself a good coach or sparring partner. Without a competent mentor, who has devoted more than one year to staging his own blow, it is almost impossible to achieve a result alone. Initially, you cannot know any technique, or warm-up, or a competent approach to training.
Step 2
Find yourself a boxing or hand-to-hand combat hall. Talk to your trainer about the training conditions. Get gloves, bandages and start the training process. It's best to do it every other day if you need a quick result. For more trained athletes, you can give a daily load.
Step 3
Learn the technique of hitting. Learn, first of all, to squeeze your fingers correctly and firmly. This will prevent your fist from getting damaged during exercise. Work through all the aspects that your mentor tells you about. At the initial stage, you should only do an imitation of an air blow: fully straighten your arm at the elbow joint and do not forget to pull it back sharply. Don't forget about protection too. Always return your arms to their starting position: one protects the face, the other protects the chest.
Step 4
Practice hitting the paws. After setting the technique of striking, proceed to more serious work. Have your mentor put paws on each hand. Take a sharp blow and quickly return your hand to the starting position. Repeat the same exercise with the other hand.
Step 5
Begin to move forward, striking two blows: left and right. Boxers call this combination "two". Give this exercise 20-30 minutes each session. After 2 months, you will simply be surprised how much the speed and power of the blow have increased.
Step 6
Hit more bags and makiwars. To quickly achieve the result of staging a blow, you also need to strengthen your fists and tendons. Otherwise, you can easily injure your knuckles. Ask your coach to show you how to hit heavy bags competently. Hit at least 200-300 hits at the end of each workout.