Five New Effective Ab Exercises

Five New Effective Ab Exercises
Five New Effective Ab Exercises

People who try to get rid of their belly by burning calories are surprised by the not-so-impressive results. This is due to the fact that the body quickly adapts to the changes to which it is subjected - therefore, losing weight without physical exertion gives only a temporary decrease in muscle mass. To remove fat from the abdomen and build a beautiful abs, you need to perform special exercises.

Five new effective ab exercises
Five new effective ab exercises

Bicycle and chair

Studies of body biomechanics have shown that you can lose weight and get rid of a saggy belly quite quickly - with the help of exercises that require muscle activity in the abdominal area. One of the most effective exercises is the "bicycle", for which you need to lie on your back and put your hands behind the back of your head. In this case, the knees need to be pulled up to the chest, at the same time raising the shoulders above the floor and slowly bringing the left elbow to the right knee, straightening the left leg. The same action must be repeated with the other leg. The exercise should be repeated 12 to 16 times, performing 1 to 3 sets daily.

When doing ab exercises, it is very important to breathe correctly so that the muscles are actively saturated with oxygen.

To perform the exercise "captain's chair" you need to sit on a high chair, leaving your legs hanging freely from it. For greater stability, the chair must be moved close to the back of the wall. Hands need to be closed at the back of the head, and with your back pressed against the back or wall and slowly pull your knees to your chest. In this case, you need to feel well the contraction of the abdominal muscles. After that, the legs must be slowly lowered. The exercise is performed 12 to 16 times daily (1 to 3 sets).

Ball, stance and hand

The ball exercise is also an excellent abdominal exercise. To perform it, you need to take a prone position and with bent knees as if there is a ball under the lower back. Put your hands behind your head and pull your chest towards your hips as much as possible. Then you need to slowly return to the starting position and relax your abdominal muscles. The exercise is performed 1 to 3 times a day for 12-16 approaches.

If it is difficult to hold the pelvis with one legs, a real small ball can be placed under the lower back.

To perform the "vertical stand" exercise, you need to lie on the floor, straighten your legs, lift them vertically up and cross, putting your hands under the back of your head. Then you need to tear your shoulders off the floor as much as possible and stay in this position as much as possible. It is advisable to do a stand 1-3 times a day for 12-16 approaches.

To do the long arm exercise, you also need to lie on the floor and extend your arms completely straight over your head along the floor so that your forearms touch your ears. Then you need to slowly and without lifting your back from the floor, raise your shoulders, keeping your arms straight. The exercise is done 12-16 times daily, 1-3 times.
