Learning to hit the ball is quite simple - we all have been able to do this since childhood. But how to hit the ball so that it flies strictly in a certain direction? Someone writes whole scientific treatises about this, someone makes educational television films, and someone is trying to calculate the trajectory of the ball using the theory of probability. In fact, it all depends on the training, the more there are, the more accurate the strikes are.

Step 1
There are two types of ball strikes: from the ground or from the summer. To improve the quality of hitting the ground, i.e. on a stationary ball, you need to keep balance, and also remember about the correct setting of the supporting leg and the position of the striker. The height of the strike depends on the position of the supporting leg: if it is in line with the ball, the strike will come out with a low trajectory of flight, if the leg is behind the ball, the ball will fly high. In order for the force of the blow to be maximized, it is necessary to monitor the position of the knee of the kicking leg. If at the moment before touching the ball, the knee is above the ball or on the same line with it, the impact force will be maximum. After the impact, it is advisable to continue moving towards the target, and not stop. When the body is tilted back, the trajectory of the ball increases, when leaning forward, the hit becomes stronger, but the ball flies lower. When hitting the ball in the air, balance and all of the above leg positions are also important. However, in this case it is also important to calculate the distance to the ball. In no case should you strike from the summer if the ball is too far or too close, as in these cases the strike will be blurred.
Step 2
The blows are also divided according to the method of application, i.e. by which part of the foot strikes. So a toe kick is usually applied to a stationary ball in its lower sector, in this case, the angle of the ball will be 40-50 degrees. For the correct application of this blow during the take-off, the player accelerates as he approaches the ball, the supporting leg is placed behind and slightly to the side of the ball, and the batter strikes with a swing motion. The body is tilted forward. When applying this blow, the correct work of the hands is important: the hand opposite to the supporting leg before the blow goes sharply back, the other is brought forward to the level of the chest. At the moment of the impact, the hands change places.
Step 3
A kick with the inside of the foot usually simply passes the ball. Ideally, the ball should fly and not bounce or roll on the ground. When hitting, the toe of the supporting foot is directed in the direction where you are sending the ball, the kicking leg is bent at the knee, and the blow itself falls on the central part of the ball.
Step 4
On impact with the outside of the foot, the toe of the supporting leg should be rotated approximately 30 degrees towards the target. And the blow is delivered in the same way as the inner one with the only difference in the plane of the foot in contact with the ball.
Step 5
The kick on one side is the most difficult and on the other the main kick in football. Due to the contact of a large area of the foot with the ball, greater accuracy is achieved during this impact. If you hit a stationary ball in this way, the trajectory of its flight will be low. The supporting leg should be on the same straight line with the ball slightly to the side of it and all the weight of the body should fall on this leg. The body is tilted so that the player's shoulders are above the ball. The striking leg is bent at the knee and laid back, the ankle is relaxed. It is important to maintain the angle formed by the thigh and lower leg as long as possible. The ascent is tense. At the moment of impact, the knee of the kicking leg is above the ball. The hand of the same name to the supporting leg is in the back before the blow, and at the moment of the blow it passes forward and bends at the chest. The kicking leg, after immediately after the strike, moves forward with the ball for some time. The kicks are divided into two types: the kick with the direct kick, when the ball touches the kick in its middle, i.e. on the lacing of the boot, and kicks with the outside or inside of the instep when the ball hits either side of the lacing.
Step 6
Technique strikes on a flying ball are no different from lifting strikes. However, if the ball is in the air, it is necessary to accurately calculate the moment of swing and touch. In this case, it is not necessary to put a lot of force into the shot, since a precise touch will give the ball enough energy.