How To Play Baseball

How To Play Baseball
How To Play Baseball

In baseball, there are several mandatory rules, without which the game loses its meaning. In order to achieve significant and stable results in this sport, you need to study them properly.

How to play baseball
How to play baseball

Two teams are formed to participate in the game. Each of them should have nine people. All players take their positions - each of them is assigned a certain place on the field. The following roles are distributed between the teams: the players who are within the field are defending, and those who are hitting the ball are attacking. Thus, only the attacking team has the opportunity to earn points in their favor. In order to switch roles, the defending team must make three outs to the attacking side. Only then will the defensive players have the opportunity to attack and earn points. After the attacking team has three outs, it moves to the field and catches the ball to defend. The same team that was defending up to this point takes an attacking position and hits the ball. This role reversal in baseball is called an ining, and the duration of the entire game is nine innings. In other words, the teams change places nine times, after which the points scored are tallied. However, if the final result is the same score for both teams, then the number of inings increases. At the beginning of the game, nine people come out in defense and take their positions on the field. And only one player comes out of the attacking team to hit the ball. He is called the "batter". Pitcher throws the ball to the batter in a certain area marked on the field and called the strike, and he, in turn, must hit the ball with a bat. If the pitcher makes four misses, throwing the ball past the strike zone, the situation is called "ball", and if he makes three accurate hits and the striker misses, the strike. Three strikes are called out. Whether the ball hits the correct area is determined by the referee. If the bounced ball does not hit the boundaries of the field, the hit is called a fallball and is counted as a strike for the team. If the ball is in the field, the batter runs to first base, and the defense catches the ball and passes it to his player at first base. When the ball is in place before the batter, the attacking team gets out, if vice versa, the batter stays on the base and gets a save, and the next player takes over the bat instead. After hitting the ball, he runs to first base, and the previous batter to the next. The team earns one point if the attacker manages to run all four bases and return to the first. If the pitcher allowed four balls, the batter also returns to first base and the team scores a point. A blow, as a result of which the ball, without touching the ground, flies across the entire field and ends up outside its borders, is called a home run. A point is automatically awarded to the team for it.
