Learning to skate is not nearly as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Here, as in any other business, it is important to follow some rules and techniques.

Step 1
First, pay attention to the size of the skates. If they are a little too large, then wear thick socks. Make sure that the skates fit snugly on your feet, lace the skates as high as possible using all the lacing holes. This will not only significantly reduce the likelihood of injury, but also make your ice skating training easier.
Step 2
At first, hang overboard or ask a friend or girlfriend who knows how to ride to support you.
Step 3
Now how to move. Standing on the ice, turn one leg outward (it will be a jerk for you) and push off with it, shifting your weight onto the other leg on which you are rolling. Do not ride with your legs straight - bend your knees. This will help you better balance on the ice.
Step 4
Start the movement by pushing off with a jogging leg and roll onto the other, and as soon as the movement comes to an end, push off in the same way with the leg on which you just rolled and roll on the leg with which you were repelled last time.
Step 5
During the movement, each time you alternate the jogging leg with the trailing one, transfer your weight to the last, that is, direct your weight to the leg on which you are rolling. Keep your back slightly tilted forward and keep your legs bent.
Step 6
To skate backwards, follow the same movements as for traditional skating. A distinctive feature of this move is that pushbacks are performed slightly in an arc. At the same time, leave your body weight somewhere in the middle between the left and right legs. When you have mastered all the basics of skating backward, learn to move with left and right back dashes.
Step 7
Practice more, look at those who already know how to skate well, adopt something for yourself, ask them to explain and show some elements that you do not yet fully understand.