Marathon running is quite popular among people trying to keep themselves in good shape. It requires a long preparation: there are no systems capable of making a marathon runner out of a person “from scratch” in a month or two. This type of running is significantly different from others and focuses on endurance.

Not every trained person, even if he is in excellent physical shape, is able to run a marathon. It's not just preparation, but psychology and a set of little tricks that long-distance runners know.
Before the marathon
In advance, you should tackle the issue of nutrition by increasing the proportion of carbohydrates in your menu. Training a couple of weeks before the main race should be gradually reduced so as not to deplete the body. The last two days before the marathon, it is advisable to refrain from exertion in order to come to the start with rested muscles.
If this is the first such experience, it is important to pay attention to the mental and emotional state. To begin with, the goal should not be victory, but the need to hold out until the end of the distance. Very good training in psychological terms is given by races in half marathons.
Running specifics
First of all, you need to find and maintain your rhythm. Among the runners, there will definitely be those who will get ahead from the very start. You should not try to catch up and overtake them: there is a high probability that the strength of these people will run out already halfway through. The first part of the distance requires a moderate pace, if it is easy, after 21 kilometers you can accelerate.
It is important to replenish water supplies, such an opportunity on the track is usually provided. To avoid dehydration, you should drink at least half a liter of water per hour. Energy drinks, which contain, in addition to liquid, renewing sugar, can also provide good support.
If the wrong pace is initially chosen, too little water has been drunk or not enough training has been carried out, a particularly difficult section will begin after 30-32 kilometers. In any case, pain and fatigue is an experience that will help you avoid making similar mistakes in the future. If you do not concentrate on the unpleasant sensations, this part of the route will also become surmountable.
Additional tricks
The preliminary preparation for the marathon includes not only physical training, but also the purchase of the necessary accessories. Running shoes should be comfortable and well-worn, never new. If the weather is expected to be warm and sunny, do not forget about sunglasses and head protection from the scorching rays.
On such a long route, comfort is very important: even socks should be comfortable. Among other things, experienced marathon runners advise to cover the nipples with a plaster before entering the track to avoid rubbing them on clothes.