Beautiful pumped up body. There's something about it. Something wonderful. But there is no time for exercise, or desire, or some other reason interferes with going to the gym.

Step 1
Run into the street. You may have thought that you can achieve some significant result in muscle building while lying on the couch. However, teleshopping machines that promise great abs and biceps in 5 minutes a day are a myth. More precisely, you may get some kind of result, but it is unlikely that people advertising these products for a figure have pumped themselves up only thanks to these wonderful inventions.
Lack of exercise does not eliminate an active lifestyle in principle. Run, bike, ski, swim in the pool. All this is much more interesting than the usual exercises with iron or simulators. Around fields, forests, panoramas of the city - and you proudly move in the middle of all this, pumping up your muscles.
However, do not hope that Schwarzenegger's muscles will come to you through playing basketball. Of course, you will develop some specific muscles, and your body will be in constant tone, but you should forget about the 45 cm biceps.
Step 2
Remember regularity. In order for you to have some more or less significant result in pumping up muscles, you should regularly engage in your favorite sport. And it is advisable to engage in various types so that all types of muscles are involved. This means that if on Monday you have football, then on Wednesday - the pool, and on Friday - a hike to the climbing wall.
Step 3
Eat right. Even if you decide to give up iron, this does not mean that you need to give up a sports diet, since muscles still need to grow. Eat protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and cottage cheese. Lean on carbohydrates such as rice, buckwheat, potatoes. Do not forget about vitamins (fruits, vegetables). Nutritional supplements do not hurt either. Of course, “chemistry” is not taken into account, but vitamin-mineral complexes, chondro- and cardioprotectors will not interfere. You can also infuse yourself with an extra portion of protein through protein shakes.