Wing Chun is one of the wushu fighting styles. In Russian, this is most often said - "Wing Chun", but there are other variants of pronunciation, for example, Wing-Chun, Vinh Chun or even Wing Tzun. These are just variants of reading the Chinese characters for this direction.

Step 1
The peculiarity of Wing Chun is that many different martial techniques are assimilated in this style. That is why Wing Chun is considered a technique focused primarily on real combat. In this fight, there are both techniques for fighting without weapons and knife techniques. All lines of instruction are based on common skills that are interconnected.
Step 2
The Wing Chun fighting system is based on a system of principles that a student learns in a strictly defined order, from one lesson to another. During the fight, one should dodge strikes, at the same time approaching the enemy strongly along a line that does not coincide with the direction of his attack, and attacking him straightforwardly. For example, in Wing Chun there is an exercise called "sticky hands", which develops the ability to focus on reflexes and tactile sensations, the fight is carried out at a very close distance.
Step 3
At the same time, "sticky hands" are not the main principle of the struggle. Emphasis is placed on skills such as fluidity, merging, compactness and others. But this exercise is really very important for the Wing Chun technique, since it is in the process of such practice that the ability to find the shortest path for defense or attack is best developed.
Step 4
It is believed that the ideal blow in Wing Chun will be one when you can reach the opponent with your hand, or even better, if you are so close that you can elbow him. To achieve this, a technique is also being studied, according to which the wrestler must move around the battlefield. Kicks are also allowed, mainly due to the short distance, these are knee strikes with a simultaneous attack and hands too.
Step 5
The study of fighting traditional Wing Chun weapons such as the long pole is also practiced. Another set that has already become familiar is a pair of knives - the so-called butterflies, whose guard and blade width are approximately the same. There are various offshoots of Wing Chun, some of which use rather exotic weapons, even Buddhist rosary. In general, each Wing Chun school is somewhat different from the others. For example, a Vietnamese school focuses on five animal techniques.
Step 6
During training, students train both individually, learning the technique of a particular technique, as well as strengthening the body, and perform sparring exercises, trying some techniques with a partner. Mannequins are used to handle the blows.
Step 7
There is a complex grading system by which it is possible to determine how good an athlete's technique is. But in China, where, in fact, this struggle comes from, there are still real masters for whom various certificates do not matter, but only genuine skill is important.