The main goal of cardio training is to strengthen the cardiovascular system. As a result of the systematic performance of certain exercises, the heart muscle is strengthened. This allows the heart to work more economically. However, the choice of one or another cardio exercise depends on the goals.

Step 1
Cardio exercises, in addition to beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system, have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, normalizing the activity of the digestive and endocrine systems, lowering blood cholesterol, and increasing immunity. Naturally, such loads require high energy costs. That is why cardio exercises are included in various weight loss complexes.
Step 2
Any movements that are repeated cyclically can be considered cardio exercises. At this point, the muscles receive the necessary energy through the oxidation of fats and carbohydrates with oxygen. Basically, cardio exercises are simple aerobic movements, rowing, swimming, skating and skiing, cycling, running, vigorous walking, jumping rope.
Step 3
Recently, special exercise machines with cardio load have become more and more popular. These sports equipment include an exercise bike and a treadmill. All of these cardiovascular equipment and exercises mainly work on the lower body. Therefore, if the goal of the workout is to tighten the buttocks and reduce the hips in volume, it is necessary to choose these cardio exercises.
Step 4
The rowing machine is perfect if, as a result of training, you need to engage the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, abdominals and back. In addition, there are models of elliptical trainers with special handles that allow you to perform movements resembling those of a skier. In this case, a huge number of muscles are involved in the work, which as a result leads to more burning of the amount of energy.
Step 5
Which cardio exercise to choose for training depends solely on individual preferences. There are general recommendations from specialists. For example, if a person is overweight in excess of 20 kg, it is recommended to exercise on a stationary bike. In this case, it is better to refuse to use the treadmill. It is worth noting that exercise bikes are also horizontal. At the same time, the total load from classes on this sports equipment is no less.
Step 6
For girls who have problems with excess weight in the lower body, a stepper is perfect. It is he who makes the large muscles of the thigh work, where excess fat deposits are usually concentrated. Cadio training can be compiled independently and is only an addition to the usual strength training. For example, many athletes use part of the exercise as a warm-up, such as jumping rope.