Coming to the gym for the first time, the beginner tries his best and gives all the best. By the end of the workout, he begins to feel pleasant fatigue, pain spreading through the muscles, and of course, pride in himself, since the beginning was laid, and waking up in the morning, he finds himself barely getting out of bed, because "everything hurts him." … A terrible dizziness came to the newcomer.

DOMS is the term used for post-workout muscle pain that occurs the next day or the next day. Its other name is muscle pain syndrome. Syndrome, because it does not subside immediately, but over the next few days, or even better - after a few good workouts. But first things first.
What causes soreness? Among trainers and regular visitors to gyms, there is an opinion that it is a consequence of the fact that lactic acid accumulates in the muscles during training and subsequently begins to irritate muscle receptors. But more reliable will still be the fact that during the first workouts on the muscles, microscopic ruptures occur in the muscle fibers. It's not scary or fatal, but it hurts quite a bit.
Do not be surprised or afraid of soreness. This is a common reaction of the human body to new stimuli that appear in very large quantities in such situations. So, if the muscles hurt in the morning, it means one thing - the last workout was a success. But you shouldn't constantly work in the gym for wear and tear. This is fraught with certain consequences, such as, for example, muscle tears. Also, the program should be changed every 2 months to give a shake to the muscles used to a particular load.
Well, in order for the sensations from the dizziness to be less painful and pass faster, it is worth taking note of a few facts. First, warm-ups are mandatory before training, as muscles work best when they are warmed up. Secondly, all power loads that are used should be increased gradually. You cannot immediately do exercises with a lot of weight, this can cause certain difficulties in the future. Well, and thirdly, always, no matter how great the fatigue, it is necessary to stretch all muscle groups. This applies to both men and women.

Well, if it so happened that unpleasant pains do not go away, you can try to relieve muscle tension with a contrast shower, more often to carry out small workouts with moderate load, as this will increase blood circulation. You can pamper yourself with a bath with essential oils, which, of course, is more suitable for the female half of the population. Cold compresses can be applied to the places where the pain is felt most of all, but if the pain cannot be tolerated at all, take ibuprofen or any other pain reliever.