Gaining muscle mass is of interest to most athletes and bodybuilders. The key to the growth of muscle cells is proper nutrition. How to balance your sports diet?

Proteins are building blocks. Without enough protein, you won't be able to gain muscle mass. The process of building muscle cells is simple. First, one of your little weak muscle cells has to "tear" (in training, as a result of exertion). Then she must rest and recover. At the same time, getting enough protein, you can get a muscle several times larger than its "predecessor".
For a complete sports nutrition, you need to consume at least 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of your body. That is, if you weigh 60 kg, you should eat 120 grams of protein per day. See Resources for a table for calculating protein and other nutrients.
It is also common for bodybuilders (bodybuilders) to use nutritional mixtures and protein shakes. Their advantage is that you get pure protein. However, there is a drawback - such proteins are unnatural. You can give results with them, but "living" on such mixtures is not easy. They cannot replace natural proteins: beef, chicken breasts, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese.
Porridge, fruits, bread and cereals provide the body with a supply of energy. There is nothing to do without energy in training. However, for best results, you need to get most of the carbohydrates in the morning (about 70%). If you start your morning with rice, oatmeal, or buckwheat porridge, you'll get a boost for the day. Whole-grain rye bread should be preferred over traditional white bread - it contains a lot of vitamin B6, it is better absorbed by the body.
Important supplements
Amino acids and vitamins can speed up life processes at times. Along the way, they will protect your body from stress caused by training, disease, and allow the intellect to work harder. Funny - strength training usually promotes active intellectual work. By strengthening their body, a person can best help their brain. You can buy a multivitamin complex at your nearest pharmacy. Amino acids can be stocked up in a specialized sports nutrition store.
Sports mode and recovery
Often, athletes who want to achieve a speedy set of muscle mass simply forget to rest and exercise every day. But muscle grows when the athlete recovers. Do not forget about the importance of rest, surrender to it completely. Relaxing massage, yoga, healthy sleep, and reading can significantly saturate your life and promote muscle growth.