Ideal weight, like an ideal figure, is a very vague and subjective concept: someone likes thin women, someone thinks that forms should be curvy. But there are certain indicators of the norm of weight for each person, which are calculated depending on height, age and other parameters. Such a norm shows whether a person is obese or underweight, and varies within a few kilograms, so there is no exact figure for the ideal weight - every woman finds her ideal indicator for herself, focusing also on her appearance and well-being.

Step 1
There are several formulas for calculating weight norms for people. One of the simplest and most common is Broca's formula. To calculate your standard, measure your height in centimeters. If the height is below 165 centimeters, then it needs to be subtracted 100. If from 165 to 175, then subtract 105, and people taller than 175 centimeters subtract 110. Thus, the approximate normal weight of a woman with a height of 170 centimeters will be 65 kilograms. But with modern concepts of beauty, this weight cannot be called ideal - to calculate the ideal body weight, ten percent is subtracted from this indicator, that is, in this case, the figure is 58.5.
Step 2
Another option to measure your ideal weight is by using the body mass index formula. The body mass index, or BMI, was derived by the Belgian sociologist Adolphe Quetelet in 1869. This index is equal to body weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. Thus, for a woman who is 170 centimeters tall and weighs 60 kilograms, the BMI is 20, which is within the normal index (from 18, 5 to 25). Indicators below are considered underweight, above - they indicate an excess amount of excess fat in the body. With a BMI of 30, a person develops the first degree of obesity. There are online calculators on the Internet that calculate BMI.
Step 3
As you can see from various formulas, ideal weight indicators are very uncertain, they are used by doctors only to determine dystrophy or obesity. Ideal weight is a relative term not only because of subjective perceptions of beauty, but also because of the various characteristics of the body. Weight depends on age, health, physiology, lifestyle of a person. Thus, a chubby young girl who does not play sports and leads a passive lifestyle can weigh as much as a very slim athlete with a small amount of body fat - since fat weighs less than muscle.
Step 4
Consider the fact that weight changes during the day depending on the amount of water in the body, and also during the month, depending on the time of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, it is advisable to evaluate your figure not by weight, but by volume and appearance, and use formulas as an additional guideline. Remember that with age, while leading a passive lifestyle, the number of muscles in the body decreases, and the amount of fat increases, while the arrow of the scales may show the same figure, but it is more difficult to deceive the mirror.