To determine the ideal weight, various calculation formulas are used: Lorentz's formula, Broca's formula, Cuetl's formula, calculating the central obesity index, calculating the body volume index. Of course, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The Keutla formula is the most used one, this is due to its rather high accuracy and convenience in self-calculation.

It is necessary
scales for measuring the weight of a person, centimeter
Step 1
Measure your height, express it in meters.
Step 2
Measure your body weight, express it in kilograms.
Step 3
Divide the mass by the height squared. This will give you your BMI (Body Mass Index).
Step 4
If your BMI is between 18.5 and 25, then you are at a healthy weight.
A BMI greater than 25 indicates an excess of body weight. If your BMI is less than 18.5, your weight is not high enough.
Step 5
Thus, the maximum body weight that will be considered healthy for your height will be determined by the formula m = 25 * L ^ 2, where L ^ 2 is your height in meters squared. The minimum body weight that will be considered healthy for your height will be determined by the formula m = 18.5 * L ^ 2.
If you do not want to do the calculation yourself, you can easily find it on the Internet.
Step 6
Also, on the Internet you can find calculators for Brock's formula and Lorentz's formula.