How To Lose Weight And Gain A Beautiful Figure For A Man

How To Lose Weight And Gain A Beautiful Figure For A Man
How To Lose Weight And Gain A Beautiful Figure For A Man

Improper nutrition, passion for foods with a high content of fat and sugar, have led to the fact that overweight problems are increasingly worrying not only women, but also the stronger sex. For men, to bring their figure back to normal, as well as to strengthen and develop their muscles, it is recommended to perform strength exercises. Along with eliminating unhealthy foods from the diet (fast food, chips, sugary sodas), these exercises will help you gain a beautiful body and muscle strength.

How to lose weight and gain a beautiful figure for a man
How to lose weight and gain a beautiful figure for a man

Weight-bearing exercise

  • pulling up on the horizontal bar (crossbar);
  • from an emphasis lying down push-ups from the floor or bench;
  • flexion-extension of the trunk, sitting on a bench;
  • raising and lowering the legs behind the head while lying on the back;
  • raising the legs to a right angle in the hang on a gymnastic wall (crossbar);
  • squatting on two or one legs;
  • jumping out of a deep squat;
  • maximum muscle tension followed by complete relaxation (for example, raise your arms to the sides, tighten them strongly, and then relax).

Exercises with resistance bands and elastic bands

Before starting the exercise, the tape must be securely attached to a fixed support. For example, in a gymnasium, a gymnastic wall can serve as a support.

  • Dilution of both arms to the sides, up and down from standing or lying on your back;
  • similar movements with each hand alternately, rotational movements of the hand, turns of the shoulder inward and outward;
  • forearm movements: flexion and extension from various starting positions (from the position of the hand forward, to the sides, below);
  • turning the forearm in and out from a standing position with the right (left) side to the gymnastic wall;
  • brush movements: flexion and extension, rotation, abduction and adduction of the hand;
  • imitation of swimmer movements (breaststroke, crawl); imitation of throwing a sports grenade, spears (the tape is fixed at the back and bottom);
  • arm movements in combination with bends, torso twists, squats;
  • leg movements with an elastic band from a standing position on one leg or lying down: flexion and extension, flattening-spreading of straight legs.

Dumbbell Exercises

Instead of dumbbells, you can use plastic bottles filled with water or sand.

  • From standing or sitting positions on a bench, perform various movements with dumbbells: flexion-extension of the arms in the elbow joint and raising-lowering of straight arms;
  • when moving hands with dumbbells, turn and tilt the body to the sides, forward and backward, squats, alternate lunges with legs;
  • at the same time as performing exercises with dumbbells, bend the back back while lying on the chest;
  • raising and lowering the body while sitting on the floor;
  • Combine hand movements with dumbbells with movements: raising the arms to the sides and the right leg forward, lowering the arms - raising the left leg forward, etc.;
  • movements of the forearms with dumbbells: flexion and extension, turns in and out;
  • movements of brushes with dumbbells: flexion and extension, adduction and abduction, rotation of the brushes.

The listed exercises can be grouped into complexes and alternated with their implementation. The number of exercises aimed at training various muscle groups in the complex can be from 8 to 10. The number of repetitions of each exercise is from 6 to 14 times.
