How To Lose Weight In The Hips, If The Figure Is "pear"

How To Lose Weight In The Hips, If The Figure Is "pear"
How To Lose Weight In The Hips, If The Figure Is "pear"

It is not uncommon to find women who have a slender upper torso, a beautiful waist, a flat stomach, but large hips and heavy buttocks.

This type of figure is called a "pear", and its owners have fat deposits in the lower part of the body. To give the figure the right proportions, diet alone is not enough; a set of special exercises will help here. And now about everything in order.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is the key to harmony. All blitz diets, which only spoil health and increase the percentage of adipose tissue, are categorically contraindicated for women of the "pear" type. Make the menu varied, include a large amount of vegetables and fruits, do not forget about proteins - this is lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products. Do not be afraid of carbohydrates, the main thing is that they must be complex. These products include whole grain bread, cereals, wholemeal pasta, and bran. Conversely, cut back on sweets and pastries. The amount of fat can be reduced at the beginning to 30 g per day without harm to health, and then gradually increased to 60 g.

Lymphatic drainage massage

A very effective procedure that improves lymph flow, thereby relieving connective tissue from fluid retention. As a result, volumes leave the problem areas. The procedure should be carried out as a course. Contraindications - problems with veins and closely spaced blood vessels.


Physical exercises

You can't do without them. Feasible physical activity will not only correct the figure, but also give vigor. Jogging and cycling are good choices. However, in order to reduce the volume of the body in certain places, you need to perform special exercises - they are simple, but quite effective. Perform each exercise in 3 sets. Take a short (about a minute) break between each approach.

Exercises for the "pear" figure

  1. For the thighs and glutes. Stand up straight, take dumbbells in each hand. Lunge forward, evenly distributing your weight. Repeat 30 times for each leg.
  2. For the thighs and glutes. Stand up straight. Take a light dumbbell in each hand. Begin to squat to the "sitting on a chair" position. The body is tilted forward, the back is straight. Return to the starting position, but do not straighten your legs to the end, keep them tense. This exercise can be done without dumbbells. Repeat 30 times.
  3. For the thighs and glutes. Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Take a 5-6 kg dumbbell with both hands. Sit down to a right angle at the knees, return to the starting position. Do not fully straighten your legs; tension should remain in them. Repeat 30 times.
  4. For the press. Lie on the floor or on an incline bench. Bend your legs at right angles. Place your hands behind the edge of a bench or bed (if doing on the floor). Lower your bent legs at a 45-degree angle, return to the starting position. Repeat "all the way."
  5. For the press. Lie on the floor. Raise your 60-degree bent legs. Place the fitball under your knees and press it down with your shins and buttocks. Do upper body crunches. The loin remains flat on the floor. Try not to drop the fitball. Repeat "all the way."
