Professional sports is not a hobby or even a job. It is a lifestyle that requires the greatest amount of moral and physical resources. Despite all the difficulties, loads and limitations, professional athletes have many advantages.

Step 1
Professional sports are no longer physical education and fitness, that is, it has nothing to do with improving the body. Moreover, the body works for wear and tear, and injuries and overloads become commonplace. This is why the careers of professional athletes do not last very long. They begin their journey in early childhood and at the age of 30-35 they can safely end their activities, since further on, age and the consequences of trauma already begin to work against them. However, there is an undoubted advantage in all this. After the end of his professional career, the athlete is actually still very young, he has great prospects and a lot of time in order to achieve new heights in any other field. In addition, good physical shape and a deep knowledge of training, nutrition, anatomy and body capabilities become a guarantee that, as a result, this person will remain fit and vigorous for many years.
Step 2
A talented athlete always has a chance to gain recognition at the world level. At all times, representatives of this profession enjoyed special honor and recognition. If celebrities from the world of cinema or show business can be criticized even with undoubted success, then sports stars are a special class. These are the elite, whose achievements are measured in specific values (points, goals, cups, medals) and are a source of pride for the entire nation.
Step 3
High sporting achievements are always associated with high fees. Of course, an ordinary athlete can hardly count on a fabulous income. However, those who go international can make a solid fortune for themselves. In some sports, fees, without exaggeration, are sky-high. A striking example is football, in which even the ultimate achievements of the players do not play a key role. Moreover, in the coming years, it is unlikely that the amounts paid to football players will decrease, since the salaries of athletes depend on the entertainment and popularity of a particular sport. Of course, representatives of not the most popular areas are paid various bonuses, including state ones.
Step 4
A professional athlete has a number of undeniable advantages associated with personal qualities that are formed during his career. Willpower, perseverance, the ability to win beautifully and to lose with dignity, unswerving adherence to your goals are just a few character traits and skills that help a lot in later life.