Does your body seem slim, fit and attractive to you? There are several ways you can quickly regain your tone! A little time every day, a little perseverance and a positive attitude - and you will not notice how you will become the owner of a slim and strong body.

Step 1
More oxygen and activity! Did you know that even banal walking for about 20 minutes a day provides your muscles with the necessary load, and after that they remain in good shape for a long time? When walking, the muscles of the back, legs, and the press are trained and tightened. Take a couple of stops on foot and do not use the car unnecessarily - for sure, there is some nice park or alley not far from your house.
Step 2
Take advantage of any physical activity opportunity - even if it's climbing several flights of stairs on the way to the office or cleaning the house. Even a small amount of movement will have a beneficial effect on the tone and condition of your muscles.
Step 3
Drink water - in order to be active and healthy, it is a must. Dehydration leads to increased fatigue - and your body simply will not have the strength and desire for even the most unpretentious daily exercise and at least some kind of activity. So, at least 8 glasses of pure carbonated water a day. This will remove toxins from the body, and oxygen will flow to the tissues and muscles in the right amount, so that your body will always be in good shape.
Step 4
Eat protein and enough foods high in vitamin C, it strengthens the muscles and walls of blood vessels. The ideal dish containing these two elements is a stew or steamed white chicken and a side dish of steamed broccoli. Include boiled eggs (a protein source), pineapples, and citrus fruits in your diet. Pineapples and the enzyme contained only in them will help meat and protein to be completely absorbed - hence the absence of digestive problems and strong muscles.
Step 5
Pick your favorite sport and devote an hour and a half to it two or three times a week. Run or swim in the pool, go for a bike ride or work out in the gym - choose according to the season and your own wishes. These activities are great for raising your spirits, which will only benefit your body (for example, stress hormone increases the deposition of fat in the waist area). It often happens that even with great strength exercises on muscles and prolonged exercises, we do not see the result of our labors - since the muscles need sufficient aerobic loads and a lot of active movement in order to "draw".