A harmonious female figure, the owner of which, even if she gains weight, at the same time gets better evenly in the shoulders, and in the chest, and in the waist, and in the hips, is quite rare. More often than not, a woman is unhappy with how she is built, and desperately wants to lose weight in only one place - for example, in the shoulders.

Step 1
First of all, determine what type your shape belongs to. Most often, excess body fat in the shoulder area is accompanied through the life of girls, whose figure belongs to the so-called apple type. It is characterized by rather wide shoulders, often by a large chest size and the presence of a tummy protruding forward. At the same time, the lower part of the figure may be several sizes smaller than the upper one: “apples” differ from “pears” and “hourglasses” by their neat small buttocks and long slender legs.
Step 2
Adjust your diet. If your figure is really excessively massive in the upper part, then accept the fact that every extra candy will settle on your body with just those hateful fat deposits on your shoulders. If girls - "hourglass" get better evenly, and "pears" increase the volume of their body mainly in the buttocks and thighs, which, in principle, looks quite feminine, then you should not get better in any case. No other type of figure spoils the excessive fullness as it happens with "apples".
Step 3
Go in for sports. Unfortunately, those who say that some specific exercises will allow you to locally reduce the volume of your shoulders are somewhat disingenuous. If physical activity is aimed at burning fat reserves - running, step aerobics, vigorous dancing - then, according to the law of meanness, the latter leaves the extra volume just from the so-called problem areas. With a high degree of probability, in your case, these are exactly the shoulders, therefore, having started once to engage in fat burning sports, in no case give up classes, otherwise the bottom that has lost weight in the first place will look simply caricatured against the background of the still massive top.
Step 4
Exercises in the gym are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscle frame. Do not be afraid to rock your shoulders even more: unless you work with large weights and do not consume special protein shakes for muscle growth, your shoulders will not increase in volume. Unlike men, women’s muscle tissue is not so responsive to stress and as a result of a reasonable approach to exercising on simulators, the muscles of your shoulders can only become more elastic, but not grow.
Step 5
Get tested. In some cases, the deposition of fat mainly in the neck and shoulders may indicate the existence of some kind of hormone problem. Be sure to consult with an endocrinologist, because if something is really wrong, then a well-chosen treatment will allow you, among other things, to also lose weight in the shoulders.