How To Jump Rope

How To Jump Rope
How To Jump Rope

Jumping rope is an excellent aerobic exercise that not only strengthens your leg muscles, but also trains your heart and helps you lose weight. For training to be more effective, you need to learn how to jump correctly, do a warm-up, protect your legs, and practice at a certain pace.

How to jump rope
How to jump rope

How to prepare for jumping rope?

Jumping rope can replace any other aerobic exercise: running, swimming, cardio training. They also contribute to getting rid of excess fat, training many muscles of the body, strengthening the cardiovascular system, and increasing endurance. In addition, it is more fun and more interesting than a monotonous run or boring exercise on simulators.

Any aerobic workout should last at least thirty minutes for the best effect, preferably forty minutes to an hour. At the same time, the pace should be rather slow so that the pulse does not reach its maximum values, and the person can talk. If you want to save time, do interval workouts - they are just as beneficial, but much faster. This means that you need to alternate periods of high stress with rest or light stress. It is advisable to jump rope every other day: not more often so that the body has time to recover, and not less often, otherwise there will be less benefit.

Buy a good rope: expensive models do not get confused, have high strength, do not twist. High-quality skipping ropes are made of leather and linen, but they are also suitable from plastic - they cut the air better, so you can jump faster. If you want to train not only your legs, but also your arms, find a rope with heavy handles. Be sure to prepare suitable shoes, even if you are jumping at home. These should be sneakers with a special cushioning sole. You can train barefoot on a soft surface, it is not as harmful as on a hard floor.

How to jump rope?

Before jumping rope, be sure to do a little warm-up. You can run a little, stretch your joints, jump in place. The first workout should be simple and short. At first, it is enough to perform normal jumps at an average pace. At the same time, keep your elbows pressed to the body, move only with your hands, which should be at waist level, and keep your back straight. Land on your toes, not the entire foot at once - otherwise the joint will be heavily loaded, and injuries are possible. Stop when you start to choke and it will be difficult for you to say anything.

Gradually increase the pace and duration of your exercise. Master new movements: jumping on one leg, with high knees, with crossing. The most difficult are jumps with double or triple rolling of the rope.

If you decide to do interval training, first the ratio between exercise and rest should be 2: 1, for example, two minutes of jumping and four minutes of rest. Gradually increase the exercise time until the ratio is 1: 1. More advanced athletes can alternate between difficult jumps at a fast pace and simple slow jumps.
