Vibrating Massagers: Myth And Reality

Vibrating Massagers: Myth And Reality
Vibrating Massagers: Myth And Reality

According to advertisements, a vibratory massager can restore muscle tone, improve skin condition and get rid of excess weight. And all this effortlessly and in a short period of time. Naturally, such a device immediately wants to be purchased in order to save oneself from many problems. However, its effectiveness is often greatly exaggerated.

Vibrating massagers: myth and reality
Vibrating massagers: myth and reality

The most famous myths about vibrating massagers

Myth 1 - vibrating massagers help you lose weight. Unfortunately, this device cannot get rid of excess weight, since when using it, a person practically does not expend calories, and without this, as you know, kilograms do not go away. That is why it will be possible to lose weight with a vibrating massager only if you combine its use with sports or proper limited nutrition.

Myth 2 - vibrating massagers pump up muscles. This device is simply not capable of this, since it is impossible to tighten the muscles with massage - for this you need to strain them. The latter effect can be achieved only during physical activity - performing exercises or simply actively using muscles as a result of any activity.

Myth 3 - vibrating massagers get rid of cellulite. This widespread statement is only partially true. The fact is that such a device really improves skin tone due to the restoration of normal blood flow in the cells. It also helps to make the skin firmer and tighter. This is why a vibrating massager helps to deal with orange peel, but only if it is almost invisible. With a more advanced stage of cellulite, the vibration massager is powerless, since in this case it is also necessary to revise the diet.

The benefits of a vibrating massager

A vibrating massager is necessary in order to relieve muscle tension and restore skin tone. Thanks to intensive massaging, this device improves blood circulation in the most problematic places, which is why more oxygen is supplied to the tissues and the outflow of lymph increases. This, in turn, improves the condition of the skin - it becomes firm, hydrated and appears more toned.

In addition, stimulating blood circulation helps to remove accumulated toxins and toxins from the body. And this already has a beneficial effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also on the general well-being of a person.

Damage from a vibrating massager

Unfortunately, a vibrating massager can also harm the body. So, intense vibration affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs, and this is already unsafe. For example, the constant use of a vibrating massager can move stones in the kidneys and gallbladder or lead to the detachment of atherosclerotic plaque from the vessel. That is why such a device is not suitable for those who suffer from vascular atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, gynecological diseases, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis and many other diseases. In any case, you should consult your doctor before using it.
