Breathing techniques contribute to the health of the body and are useful at any age. Corresponding member of the International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management, Doctor of Philosophy Vladimir Fyodorovich Frolov invented a simulator for endogenous, or cellular, respiration. Regular exercises on it help to cure a number of serious diseases (asthma, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, allergies), get rid of obesity and rejuvenate the body.

- - Cup;
- - glass lid;
- - inner chamber;
- - bottom retina of the attachment;
- - breathing tube;
- - mouthpiece.
Step 1
Invented by V. F. Frolov, the breathing simulator is produced under the brand name "Frolov's Phenomenon" and is called "TDI-01". It is a portable device that consists of a breathing tube, a mouthpiece, can and glass lids, the glass itself, an inner chamber and a bottom mesh nozzle.
Step 2
Pour twelve milliliters of room temperature drinking water into a glass. Attach the mesh bottom to the inner chamber and place in a glass of water.
Step 3
Pass the breathing tube through the opening on the cup lid and connect it to the inner chamber. Close the glass with a lid as tightly as possible. To do this, move it down the tube.
Step 4
Insert the free end of the tube into the mouthpiece.
Step 5
If you assembled the Frolov breathing simulator correctly, then the inner chamber with the bottom mesh attachment attached to it will stand tightly at the bottom of the glass, without moving up and down.
Step 6
First, learn how to properly use the breathing machine. Pick it up or place it on the table. Grasp the mouthpiece tightly with your lips. Inhale through the tube and exhale quickly. Squeeze the wings of the nose with the fingers of your free hand so that air flows strictly through the simulator.
Step 7
Inhale the air actively for two to three seconds. The abdomen moves forward during inhalation. And breathe out immediately. At the same time, the abdomen moves to the spine. Decide how many seconds an exhalation can last without much tension and unpleasant sensations for you.
Step 8
Breathe like this for about five minutes. Make sure that your lips are tightly wrapped around the mouthpiece, and air enters the lungs only through the tube of the simulator.