At the beginning of the 21st century, a wave of fashion for fitness, body beauty, healthy lifestyle, training and proper nutrition swept our country. People flocked en masse to gyms and stadiums in order to put their appearance in order.

The image of a perfectly beautiful body is constantly changing, along with a change in priorities in the development of the fitness industry, but the craving for beautiful and developed muscles of the legs and gluteal muscles remains unchanged. Exercises in the gym will help to make the gluteal muscles beautiful, voluminous and toned. There are basic and auxiliary exercises. The basic ones usually take up most of the workout. Their implementation is very energy-intensive, contributes to an increase in protein synthesis and muscle growth.
Basic (basic) exercises
1. Deadlift.
This exercise can be used in various variations with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebell, rubber loops, in a block trainer, etc. This exercise also allows you to engage your lumbar, hamstrings, and latissimus dorsi, which is very important. The load varies depending on the type of traction: classic, Romanian or "sumo". The narrower the setting of the legs, the more the lower back and the back of the thigh are loaded.
2. Squats.
The exercise is also performed in various variations, however, in order to maximize the load on the gluteal muscles, it is necessary to squat below the "parallel".
Assisted Exercises
With auxiliary exercises, athletes usually concretize the load on a certain muscle group, working it out as much as possible.
3. Lunges.
With this exercise, athletes refine the back of the thigh and leg muscles. Lunges can be performed both forward and backward, with or without weight.
4. Various swings and leads.
Swings and leads are now especially popular in gyms, due to the variety and functionality of sports equipment. They are performed with loops, standing, lying, in blocks, etc.
1. Warm up well before strength work.
2. The gluteal muscles are one of the largest and strongest muscle groups in humans. For its development and growth, rather serious loads are required. If you want to increase their volume, then you should not neglect strength work.
3. It is not recommended to combine deadlift and squatting in one workout, since both of these exercises are basic and expend a lot of energy. You simply will not have the strength to "pull" qualitatively after squats.
4. Finish your workout with cardio exercises (30 minutes or more). This will keep you in shape and not gain weight.
5. Power work requires good nutrition. Do not be alarmed when you have a good appetite after strength training.
6. Don't forget about stretching and abs.
7. Alternate heavy workouts (more weight, fewer reps per set) with light workouts (many repetitions with light weight). This will help develop both groups of muscle fibers (fast and slow).
8. Use the services of a coach.