Initially, the beginner has various problems and feelings of insecurity when learning to roller skate. But you can learn to ride freely and brake properly quickly enough.

In the first days, you need to load your legs to the maximum for training, in order to learn how to keep balance and adjust the body to a new way of movement.
Protection plays an important role, so a beginner roller should stock up on a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads. This will help you feel more confident and avoid injury, bruises and abrasions.
At the initial stage, the task consists in training exercises that follow, repeat and focus on the fact that at first not everything will work out. You need to start mastering the first movements on an open and wide area with a flat surface. The main problem for a beginner is braking. At first it seems like a rather unrealistic task, but you just need to find the right approach.
Selection of rollers
Even when buying rollers, you should pay attention to the presence of a rubber brake attached to the frame behind the last wheel of the new model. In general, safe braking is not established on roller skates, since it is assumed that the buyer knows the basics of skating. Therefore, your preference for a new model should be discussed with a sales assistant. But this method of braking, although effective, has its drawbacks. Firstly, when it is used in difficult situations, the braking will be longer, and, secondly, the brake can significantly complicate the performance of some tricks and exercises.
What to do if the rollers are not braked
If your skates don't have rubber brakes installed, don't be in a hurry to get upset. After all, there are also "non-technical" types of braking that every beginner skater needs to know about. For example, when someone can hedge you or you can hold onto trees, railings, fences, grabbing onto which you can spin around and stop without injury. Also, if you pick up high speed and understand that you cannot stop, then you should turn the right roller perpendicular to the left one, the wheels will stop spinning and you will stop. But it is quite difficult to perform such braking, so you should practice well at first at low speed.
Train more, try to slow down and do not be afraid to fall, because you learn from mistakes. Best of all, set a goal for yourself: drive a certain route and try to brake in different ways. Each time, the distances can be increased and the exercises more difficult to perform.