Ice skating and roller skating training begins with practicing different braking techniques. Learning to brake is much more difficult than learning to ride. However, the practiced skills of slowing down and stopping will allow you to ride in any conditions, avoiding falls and injuries.

For ice skating to be safe, it is very important to learn how to brake. Moreover, you need to be able to stop at any speed, both abruptly and smoothly, gradually reducing the speed. When it comes to ice skates, you should know that sharp braking on skates is possible only with sharply sharpened blades, because maneuverability depends on the sharpness of the blades.
The most common methods of braking on figure and hockey skates
Snake (or slalom). This method is suitable for slowing down the speed. If you drive, while making small turns with both feet, and the trajectory of your movement will be like a snake, then you will slow down and gradually stop.
Plow (V-stop). This method is also used by skiers and roller skiers. Plow braking makes it easy to slow down if you are not going very fast. To do this, you need to put your feet at an angle to each other, bringing the socks together and spreading the heels. The legs should be spread wide and slightly bent at the knees. To maintain stability, it is necessary not only to bend your knees, but also to strain your legs quite strongly.
Braking by turning 90 °. The U-turn allows you to stop abruptly even at high speed. For a sharp turn, you must put both feet at an angle of 90 ° to the direction of your movement on the ice. During this maneuver, balance should be maintained by tilting the body to the side opposite to the direction of movement. You also need to bend your knees for stability.
Semicircle. This is a fairly effective way to brake on skates at high speed, but difficult for beginner skaters. To reduce the speed and stop, it is necessary to put one leg forward and press the edge of the skate on the ice so that, having described a semicircle, the leg stands perpendicular to the trajectory of movement.
Skate edge braking. When transferring weight from one leg to another, you can stop rather abruptly if you press on the ice with the edge of the blade, slightly turning your leg to the side. In this case, the pressure is exerted on the inner edge, and the leg that is behind is the support. The forward leg in this case will not be loaded, the weight is transferred from it to the other leg.
How to brake on roller skates
Rollers, unlike ice skates, are equipped with a so-called standard brake. Although experienced skaters prefer to take it off, it is essential for beginner skaters. To slow down with the stock brake, all you have to do is place the weight of your foot on your heel and apply the brake.
It is also easy for beginner skaters to master the methods of slalom and plow braking. Slalom allows you not to pick up speed when going down a hill. And plow braking allows you to stop smoothly if you are driving on smooth asphalt at low speeds.