How is the process of losing weight going? It starts at the top and goes down. At first, the face, arms, chest lose weight easily, then it is more difficult - the waist, and last of all, with a loud creak - the hips. Hips are the age-old female “problem area”. And to cope with their imperfections, cellulite and other byaka - you have to work hard.

Step 1
Dedicate a few minutes daily to physical exercises that will help strengthen muscles, remove cellulite and excess volume, and correct the shape of the buttocks and thighs. Do at least 20 reps for each exercise.
First exercise. Sit with your legs straight. Bend one leg at the knee and place it on the thigh of the other leg (the higher the better). Holding your working leg with your hands, bend forward and hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat the same for the other leg.
Step 2
The second exercise is regular lunges. Make a deep lunge (make sure that the knee of the front leg is at 1 level with the lower leg), linger for 10-15 seconds. Stand up straight, then repeat on the other leg.
Step 3
Third exercise. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs. Slowly raise one leg with your hands, pulling it to your face and trying not to bend at the knee.
Step 4
Fourth exercise. Get on all fours. Straighten and set aside your straight working leg. Raise and lower it at a height that is not comfortable for you at least 20 times. Try not to bend your leg at the knee, but keep your foot in such a position that the heel looks at the ceiling.
Step 5
Fifth exercise. Imagine that you are a sumo wrestler. Stand with your legs wide apart and bent at the knees. Squat (plie), making sure that the knees are at the same level with the ankles. Repeat 20 times.
Step 6
Sixth exercise. Stand up straight. Imagine there is a chair behind you. Try to sit down as if you are only trying to touch the seat of the chair with the most protruding part of the buttocks. Notice how the buttocks tighten in this exercise.