If a few years ago bicycles were popular among children, now more and more kids choose scooters. More recently, electric scooters have appeared - a comfortable, reliable and safe transport for children. But in order for this type of technology to serve as long as possible, parents must responsibly approach its choice.

The most important thing when choosing an electric scooter for a child is to pay attention to the battery capacity. To ride comfortably and not have to charge the vehicle several times a day, it is better to choose a model that can cover at least 25 km on a single charge.
There is nothing more important than the safety of your beloved child. It is important to assess whether the child will be able to maintain a certain speed. The slowest models reach speeds of no more than 12 km / h. Perhaps it is also suitable for walks with the whole family, it is ideal for children under 10 years old. For teenagers, it is better to purchase models that develop speeds up to 30 km / h. This electric scooter can also be used by adults.
Parents tend to choose the most powerful and fastest scooter for their child, but they often forget that such models are very heavy. The weight of such a vehicle must not exceed the weight of its owner. And if you plan to carry the scooter often in a car, it is better to choose a folding model. But transport that does not fold and does not have a compact size has its advantages. It has a soft ride, is practically silent, develops high speed and easily overcomes small pits and bumps.
Before buying an electric scooter, you need to pay attention to the height of the handlebars and the appearance of the structure. It will be convenient for the child to drive the vehicle if the steering wheel is at chest height or slightly lower. And looking at the appearance of the device, you must not forget to ask the child's opinion. Perhaps he will like a non-stylish gray or black, but a bright and unusual model.