The easiest way to build muscle in a short time is to become a bodybuilder, "body builder". By following a number of simple rules and principles, you can achieve excellent results very quickly. Most importantly, the muscles that are built quickly will stay with you for a long time! Remember - the creation of a healthy body is achieved only by an integrated approach.

In order to build muscle in a short time, you need to correctly understand the process of muscle mass formation. A muscle that has been stretched during a workout is in an "agitated" state for some time. If you feed it with protein and give it a rest, it will start to grow. Thus, the formula for success is: exercise, proper nutrition and rest. Let's go through all the points.

When training, you need to take into account the fact that the muscles must be trained in turn, focusing on their main groups. Alternately, we do exercises for the following muscle groups: pectorals, deltas, quadriceps, biceps and triceps. Basic Exercises: Bench Press, Deadlift and Barbell Squat. It is best to use three workouts per week.

Nutrition is the key to success. Without it, muscles simply won't grow. Proper nutrition is eating small meals 5-6 times a day. In the first half of the day, you need to focus on carbohydrate foods - bread, cereals, fruits. In the second - for protein: dairy products, beef, eggs. The amount of protein per day should be 2-3 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Recovery is as much a must as exercising with an athletic diet. The key to a successful rest is 9 hours of sleep a day. It is important that during sleep you are not distracted by music and extraneous external factors.

The use of amino acids helps to significantly accelerate the process of protein assimilation. It is known that the more protein the body assimilates, the faster the process of muscle tissue formation goes. You can buy the amino acids you need in specialized pharmacies. Be sure to consult about their purchase and use with a trainer in the gym and a doctor.

The body loses a lot of water during exercise. Try to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid a day.
Helpful hints:
Vitamins will significantly speed up the recovery process during which muscles grow.