To build abs, you must first create a set of exercises. It is not enough to just do bends or squats with a barbell. To achieve good results, you need to use several muscles at once: straight, oblique, intercostal and anterior dentate. Only in this case can you quickly get the coveted six cubes.

It is necessary
- - Ball for sports;
- - dumbbells;
- - shop;
- - barbell;
- - horizontal bar.
Step 1
Get a fitness ball. With it, you can easily pump up the rectus abdominis muscle. Lie with your back on it. Raise your torso without lifting your buttocks off the ball. The maximum lift should be 30 degrees in relation to the floor. If you lift the torso even higher, then the main load will be directed to the hips. Lock the position for a few seconds. Then lean back, bending 15-20 degrees. At the beginning of classes, it is enough to do 3 times 20 approaches. Over time, workouts need to be strengthened.
Step 2
Exercise your oblique abdominal muscles. These are a variety of twists and turns. But do not focus on this exercise, otherwise the illusion of a full waist may appear. During training, it is enough to make about 50 turns and tilts.
Step 3
Strengthen the intercostal muscles. They will be involved in any abdominal exercise. Give maximum stress to this muscle group by performing back and forth and left and right bends. To enhance the effect, you can pick up dumbbells, the weight of which should increase over time.
Step 4
Exercise for the serratus anterior muscle. Lie on a bench with your feet on the floor. Pick up a barbell. Take a deep breath and start lowering her behind her head. The exercise should be done slowly, doing at least 3 times for 10 approaches.
Step 5
Hang on the horizontal bar. Raise your legs slowly until they are parallel to the floor. Then put them down. Do 3 times for 10-15 approaches. This exercise will help build up almost all abdominal muscle groups.
Step 6
Exercise 3-4 times a week. In the early days, you will need to tone your muscles. Therefore, training should not be too long. After 10 days, increase the load. This should be done gradually, adding 10-15 approaches to each exercise. A month after starting exercise, the muscles can be given maximum load. Do as many sets as you can. Then take a break for 5 seconds and repeat the exercise a few more times.