The intimate muscles perform much more functions than meets the eye. This is not only a confident step towards a harmonious and fulfilling sexual life, but also a means to strengthen women's health in general.

Step 1
Wumbling - or exercise to develop intimate muscles - is not all that new. Many centuries ago, women in the East were engaged in the development of intimate muscles, using stone balls and other devices for this. There is a whole section of yoga dedicated to working on the muscles of the pelvis, coccyx, abdomen. The modern approach to training female muscles was formed by Alfred Kegel in the middle of the last century. He also invented the simulator, which formed the basis of modern wumbling tools. However, you can start training intimate muscles without special devices.
Step 2
The easiest way to start exercising is in the restroom. Contract your sphincter muscles to interrupt urination. Once you feel how to control them, you can repeat this exercise in any convenient place. First, perform 10-20 sharp contractions and relaxations, then try to repeat the course, adjusting the load (gradually straining and unclenching the muscles.
Work the muscles of the anus. In this exercise, you need to alternately pull in and out (imitating pushing) the anus. The technique is the same: sharp and stepped repetitions.
Step 3
Like any fitness, wumbling produces tangible results with regular exercise. Make it a rule to do these simple exercises every day, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. It is not difficult, fortunately, for classes, neither equipment nor a special room is required. You can practice at home, at work, and even on public transport. The only danger is unexpected orgasm during hard training. But isn't he one of the goals of your studies?