The exercise bike is one of the most popular and effective modern exercise equipment used at home and in gyms. It is designed to reduce body weight and strengthen the cardiovascular system. The exercise bike also perfectly tightens certain muscles, which also contributes to the formation of a beautiful figure.

Step 1
The prototype of the modern exercise bike is a regular bicycle, riding which evenly distributes the load on the entire body. In contrast to it, the exercise bike does not give such an effect, since the trainee does not control the steering wheel during exercise. Nevertheless, the trainer is great for helping to shape a beautiful lower body shape.
Step 2
Thus, regular exercise on the simulator has a positive effect on the condition of the muscles of the thighs, lower legs and calves. They become tighter and more elastic, but not pumped like with other machines. In addition, the exercise bike activates the muscles of the buttocks, thanks to which they acquire a beautiful shape.
Step 3
Despite this, it will not work to pump up the listed muscle groups on an exercise bike. For this, other types of exercises are provided. The exercise bike is designed more to strengthen the cardiovascular system of the body and develop the muscles that serve this function. Thus, in addition to the legs and buttocks, during intense exercise on a stationary bike, the abdominal muscles and intercostal muscles will be strengthened.
Step 4
The exercise bike also activates the lumbar muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine and posture in general. Thanks to this simulator, you can even cope with the curvature of the spine at the initial stage and prevent the development of sciatica and osteochondrosis in the future. And the load on the knee and hip joints that occurs during exercise reduces the risk of developing arthrosis and all sorts of neuralgic diseases.
Step 5
Thus, exercise on a stationary bike will not only tighten and activate different muscle groups, but also have a beneficial effect on posture. Walking will be easy, and long distances will be easy. To do this, you need to practice regularly and intensively, taking into account the physical fitness and condition of the body.